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TElRelativeDistinguishedName     See also     

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Returns the index of the desired RDN in the list.


    int IndexOf(byte[] OID);

    Function IndexOf(ByVal OID As Byte()) As Integer

    function IndexOf(const OID : ByteArray) : integer;

    int32_t IndexOf(const std::vector<uint8_t> &OID);

    integer IndexOf(array of byte|string|NULL $OID)

    int indexOf(byte[] OID);


  • OID - OID of the pair that should be found in the list.

Return value

Returns the index of the desired item in the list. If the item has not been found, returns -1.


Use this method to get the index of certain RDN in the list.

See also:     OIDs     Remove    

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