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TElRelativeDistinguishedName     See also     

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Loads the RDN from an ASN.1 tag.


    bool LoadFromTag(TElASN1ConstrainedTag Tag, bool IgnoreTopSequence);

    Function LoadFromTag(ByVal Tag As TElASN1ConstrainedTag, ByVal IgnoreTopSequence As Boolean) As Boolean

    function LoadFromTag(Tag : TElASN1ConstrainedTag; IgnoreTopSequence : boolean = false) : boolean;

    bool LoadFromTag(TElASN1ConstrainedTag &Tag, bool IgnoreTopSequence);
    bool LoadFromTag(TElASN1ConstrainedTag *Tag, bool IgnoreTopSequence);

    bool LoadFromTag(TElASN1ConstrainedTag $Tag, bool $IgnoreTopSequence)

    boolean loadFromTag(TElASN1ConstrainedTag Tag, boolean IgnoreTopSequence);


  • Tag - the ASN.1 tag from which the RDN should be loaded.
  • IgnoreTopSequence - specifies if the top sequence should be ignored or not.

Return value

Returns True if the operation was successfull, otherwise returns False.


Use this method to load the RDN from the ASN.1 tag.

See also:     LoadFromDNString    

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