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TElSFTPServer     See also     

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This event is fired when your software has to read the symbolic link.


    event TElSFTPServerReadSymLinkEvent OnReadSymLink;
    delegate void TElSFTPServerReadSymLinkEvent(Object Sender, string Path, TElSftpFileInfo Info, ref int ErrorCode, ref string Comment);

    Event OnReadSymLink As TElSFTPServerReadSymLinkEvent
    Delegate Sub TElSFTPServerReadSymLinkEvent(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Path As String, ByVal Info As TElSftpFileInfo, ByRef ErrorCode As Integer, ByRef Comment As String)

    property OnReadSymLink: TSBSFTPServerReadSymLinkEvent;
    TSBSFTPServerReadSymLinkEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject; const Path : string; Info : TElSftpFileInfo; var ErrorCode : integer; var Comment : string) of object;

    void get_OnReadSymLink(TElSFTPServerReadSymLinkEvent &pMethodOutResult, void * &pDataOutResult);
    void set_OnReadSymLink(TElSFTPServerReadSymLinkEvent pMethodValue, void * pDataValue);
    typedef void (SB_CALLBACK *TElSFTPServerReadSymLinkEvent)(void * _ObjectData, TObjectHandle Sender, const char * pcPath, int32_t szPath, TElSftpFileInfoHandle Info, int32_t &ErrorCode, char * pcComment, int32_t &szComment);

    TElSFTPServerReadSymLinkEvent|callable|NULL get_OnReadSymLink()
    void set_OnReadSymLink(TElSFTPServerReadSymLinkEvent|callable|NULL $Value)
    callable TElSFTPServerReadSymLinkEvent(TObject $Sender, string $Path, TElSftpFileInfo $Info, integer &$ErrorCode, string &$Comment)

    TElSFTPServerReadSymLinkEvent getOnReadSymLink();
    void setOnReadSymLink(TElSFTPServerReadSymLinkEvent Value);
    TElSFTPServerReadSymLinkEvent.Callback OnReadSymLink = new TElSFTPServerReadSymLinkEvent.Callback() {
        public void TElSFTPServerReadSymLinkEventCallback(TObject Sender, String Path, TElSftpFileInfo Info, TSBInteger ErrorCode, TSBString Comment) {


  • Path - specifies the path to a symbolic link
  • Info - information about file on which symbolic link points
  • ErrorCode - the error code, see values below
  • Comment - server comment
  • pcPath - specifies the path to a symbolic link
  • szPath - the length of pcPath.
  • pcComment - server comment
  • szComment - the length of pcComment.

Error codes values:


    This event is fired when the symbolic link target information has to be read.
The application can return the error code in ErrorCode parameter and textual comment in Comment parameter.

See also:     OnCreateSymLink     OnReadFile     OnRemove    

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