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TElSFTPServer     See also     

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This property specifies Sftp versions which can be used during the connection.


    TSBSftpVersions Versions;

    Property Versions As TSBSftpVersions

    property Versions : TSBSftpVersions;
    TSBSftpVersions = set of TSBSftpVersion;

    TSBSftpVersions get_Versions();
    void set_Versions(TSBSftpVersions Value);

    integer get_Versions()
    void set_Versions(integer $Value)

    short getVersions();
    void setVersions(short Value);


TSBSftpVersions values


    Use this property to specify Sftp versions which can be used during the connection. Set this property before connection establishing.
   Default value is [sbSFTP0, sbSFTP1, sbSFTP2, sbSFTP3, sbSFTP4, sbSFTP5]

    Note, protocol version assigning differs for VCL and .NET versions. To enable several Sftp versions in .NET use bitwise OR operation, for example "sbSFTP3 | sbSFTP4".

    Example:  The following shows how to set the property for different SecureBlackbox editions:

    TElSFTPServer.Versions = SBSftpCommon.Unit.sbSFTP4 | SBSftpCommon.Unit.sbSFTP5 | SBSftpCommon.Unit.sbSFTP6;

    TElSFTPServer.Versions = SBSftpCommon.Unit.sbSFTP4 Or SBSftpCommon.Unit.sbSFTP5 Or SBSftpCommon.Unit.sbSFTP6

    TElSFTPServer.Versions := sbSFTP4 or sbSFTP5 or sbSFTP6;

See also:     Version    

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