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TElSimpleSFTPClient     See also     

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This event is fired during data reading/writing of multiple files to report the next file.


    event TElSftpFileOperationEvent OnFileOperation;
    delegate void TElSftpFileOperationEvent(Object Sender, TSBSftpFileOperation Operation, string RemotePath, string LocalPath, ref bool Skip, ref bool Cancel);

    Event OnFileOperation As TElSftpFileOperationEvent
    Delegate Sub TElSftpFileOperationEvent(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Operation As TSBSftpFileOperation, ByVal RemotePath As String, ByVal LocalPath As String, ByRef Skip As Boolean, ByRef Cancel As Boolean)

    property OnFileOperation : TSBSftpFileOperationEvent;
    TSBSftpFileOperationEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject; Operation : TSBSftpFileOperation; const RemotePath, LocalPath : string; var Skip, Cancel : boolean) of object;

    void get_OnFileOperation(TElSftpFileOperationEvent &pMethodOutResult, void * &pDataOutResult);
    void set_OnFileOperation(TElSftpFileOperationEvent pMethodValue, void * pDataValue);
    typedef void (SB_CALLBACK *TElSftpFileOperationEvent)(void * _ObjectData, TObjectHandle Sender, TSBSftpFileOperationRaw Operation, const char * pcRemotePath, int32_t szRemotePath, const char * pcLocalPath, int32_t szLocalPath, int8_t &Skip, int8_t &Cancel);

    TElSftpFileOperationEvent|callable|NULL get_OnFileOperation()
    void set_OnFileOperation(TElSftpFileOperationEvent|callable|NULL $Value)
    callable TElSftpFileOperationEvent(TObject $Sender, integer $Operation, string $RemotePath, string $LocalPath, bool &$Skip, bool &$Cancel)

    TElSftpFileOperationEvent getOnFileOperation();
    void setOnFileOperation(TElSftpFileOperationEvent Value);
    TElSftpFileOperationEvent.Callback OnFileOperation = new TElSftpFileOperationEvent.Callback() {
        public void TElSftpFileOperationEventCallback(TObject arg0, TSBSftpFileOperation arg1, String arg2, String arg3, TElFileOperationEventParams arg4) {


  • Operation - the operation to be performed on the file.
  • RemotePath - specifies the name and path to the remote file.
  • LocalPath - specifies the name and path to the local file.
  • Skip - allows to skip the current file.
  • Cancel - allows to cancel the operation.
  • pcRemotePath - specifies the name and path to the remote file.
  • szRemotePath - the length of pcRemotePath.
  • pcLocalPath - specifies the name and path to the local file.
  • szLocalPath - the length of pcLocalPath.



    This event is fired by TElSimpleSFTPClient from DownloadFiles and UploadFiles methods to notify the application, that new file transfer is to be started. The application can skip the file or cancel the whole operation. Progress of each transfer is reported via OnProgress event.

See also:     DownloadFiles     UploadFiles     OnProgress    

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