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TElSimpleSFTPClient     See also     

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Removes the file on a server side.


    void RemoveFiles(string Path, string Mask, bool CaseSensitive, bool Recursive);
    void RemoveFiles(TElStringList List);
    void RemoveFiles(String[] List);

    Sub RemoveFiles(ByVal Path As String, ByVal Mask As String, ByVal CaseSensitive As Boolean, ByVal Recursive As Boolean)
    Sub RemoveFiles(ByVal List As TElStringList)
    Sub RemoveFiles(ByVal List As String[])

    procedure RemoveFiles(const Path, Mask : string; CaseSensitive : boolean; Recursive : boolean); overload;
    procedure RemoveFiles(List : TStrings); overload;

    void RemoveFiles(const std::string &Path, const std::string &Mask, bool CaseSensitive, bool Recursive);
    void RemoveFiles(TStrings &List);
    void RemoveFiles(TStrings *List);

    void RemoveFiles(string $Path, string $Mask, bool $CaseSensitive, bool $Recursive)
    void RemoveFiles(TStrings $List)

    void removeFiles(String Path, String Mask, boolean CaseSensitive, boolean Recursive);
    void removeFiles(TElStringList List);
    void removeFiles(String[] List);


  • List - list of files to be removed
  • Path - path to the files to be removed
  • Mask - mask of the files to be removed
  • CaseSensitive - specifies, whether to treat filenames case-sensitively
  • Recursive - specifies, whether to remove files recursively, i.e. including subdirectories


    Use this method to delete a number of files.
    In case of error, EElSFTPError exception containing the SFTP error code, is raised. For more information on error handling, please read the corresponding how-to article.
Files are chosen by the mask which can be a simple mask, a set of masks, or a regular expression (read more about masks).
    Since SecureBlackbox version 13, file masks in group operations support expressions.

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