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TElSimpleSFTPClient     See also     

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Contains character string for end of string indication on the local machine.


    byte[] LocalNewLineConvention;

    Property LocalNewLineConvention As Byte()

    property LocalNewLineConvention : ByteArray;

    void get_LocalNewLineConvention(std::vector<uint8_t> &OutResult);
    void set_LocalNewLineConvention(const std::vector<uint8_t> &Value);

    string get_LocalNewLineConvention()
    void set_LocalNewLineConvention(array of byte|string|NULL $Value)

    byte[] getLocalNewLineConvention();
    void setLocalNewLineConvention(byte[] Value);


    This property contains character string for end of string indication used on the local machine.
    During file upload all the LocalNewLineConvention line endings are converted to NewLineConvention endings. Correspondingly, all the LocalNewLineConventionline endings are converted to NewLineConvention line endings during file upload. Both properties apply to text file transfers only.

See also:     NewLineConvention    

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