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TElSocket     See also     

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Checks if the data can be sent.


    bool CanSend(int WaitTime);

    Function CanSend(ByVal WaitTime As Integer) As Boolean

    function CanSend(WaitTime : integer := 0) : boolean;

    bool CanSend(int32_t WaitTime);

    bool CanSend(integer $WaitTime)

    boolean canSend(int WaitTime);


  • WaitTime - Time in milliseconds to wait. The value set to -1 means infinite waiting, set to 0 means no waiting at all.


    Use this method to check whether the data can be sent (the socket is connected and/or ready for sending) Set WaitTime parameter to time, which the call will wait, until the socket is connected or until pending data in the outgoing buffer is sent. Set WaitTime to 0 for no wait and to -1 to wait until sending is possible, the socket is closed or error happens.

See also:     Receive     CanReceive    

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