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TElSocket     See also     

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Specifies whether to adjust the send and receive buffer sizes automatically.


    bool AutoAdjustBuffersSize;

    Property AutoAdjustBuffersSize As Boolean

    property AutoAdjustBuffersSize : boolean;

    bool get_AutoAdjustBuffersSize();
    void set_AutoAdjustBuffersSize(bool Value);

    bool get_AutoAdjustBuffersSize()
    void set_AutoAdjustBuffersSize(bool $Value)

    boolean getAutoAdjustBuffersSize();
    void setAutoAdjustBuffersSize(boolean Value);


    If this property is set to True, the socket's send and receive buffer sizes will be automatically adjusted by the component during the data transfer. Minimum and maximum buffer sizes can be set using the MinBufferSize and MaxBufferSize properties. Strict buffer sizes can be set via SendBufferSize and RecvBufferSize. If the strict sizes are set, AutoAdjustBuffersSize is ignored.

See also:     BuffersAdjustStep     MinBufferSize     MaxBufferSize     SendBufferSize     RecvBufferSize    

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