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TElSRPCredential     See also     

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Loads the SRP credentials.


    void Load(string Data);
    void Load(string Username, byte[] Salt, byte[] Prime, byte[] Generator, byte[] Verifier);

    Sub Load(ByVal Data As String)
    Sub Load(ByVal Username As String, ByVal Salt As Byte(), ByVal Prime As Byte(), ByVal Generator As Byte(), ByVal Verifier As Byte())

    procedure Load(const Data : string);
    procedure Load(const Username : string; const Salt, Prime, Generator, Verifier : ByteArray);

    void Load(const std::string &Data);
    void Load(const std::string &Username, const std::vector<uint8_t> &Salt, const std::vector<uint8_t> &Prime, const std::vector<uint8_t> &Generator, const std::vector<uint8_t> &Verifier);

    void Load(string $Data)
    void Load(string $Username, array of byte|string|NULL $Salt, array of byte|string|NULL $Prime, array of byte|string|NULL $Generator, array of byte|string|NULL $Verifier)

    void load(String Data);
    void load(String Username, byte[] Salt, byte[] Prime, byte[] Generator, byte[] Verifier);


  • Data - the string containing the SRP credentials in the following format: "<username><TAB><b64 encoded salt><TAB><b64 encoded prime><TAB><b64 encoded generator><TAB><b64 encoded verifier>".
  • Username - specifies the username.
  • Salt - specifies the salt.
  • Prime - specifies the safe prime.
  • Generator - specifies the value of the generator.
  • Verifier - specifies the value of the verifier.


    Use this method to set the SRP credentials.

See also:     Save     Generate    

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