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TElSSHBaseClient     See also     

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This property contains keys of the trusted servers.


    TElSSHCustomKeyStorage TrustedKeys;

    Property TrustedKeys As TElSSHCustomKeyStorage

    property TrustedKeys : TElSSHCustomKeyStorage;

    TElSSHCustomKeyStorage* get_TrustedKeys();
    void set_TrustedKeys(TElSSHCustomKeyStorage &Value);
    void set_TrustedKeys(TElSSHCustomKeyStorage *Value);

    TElSSHCustomKeyStorage get_TrustedKeys()
    void set_TrustedKeys(TElSSHCustomKeyStorage $Value)

    TElSSHCustomKeyStorage getTrustedKeys();
    void setTrustedKeys(TElSSHCustomKeyStorage Value);


Use this property to specify public keys of trusted SSH servers. If a server's key is in the trusted keys list, OnKeyValidate event is not fired.

See also:     OnKeyValidate     ServerKey    

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