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This event is fired when the PKCS#11 DLL notifies about the progress of lengthy operation.


    event TElPKCSNotifyEvent OnNotification;
    delegate void TElPKCSNotifyEvent(Object Sender, TElPKCS11SessionInfo SessionInfo, TElPKCS11NotificationFlag NotificationFlag, ref bool AbortOperation);

    Event OnNotification As TElPKCSNotifyEvent
    Delegate Sub TElPKCSNotifyEvent(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal SessionInfo As TElPKCS11SessionInfo, ByVal NotificationFlag As UInt32, ByRef AbortOperation As Boolean)

    property OnNotification: TElPKCSNotifyEvent
    TElPKCSNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; SessionInfo: TElPKCS11SessionInfo; NotificationFlag: TElPKCS11NotificationFlag; var AbortOperation: boolean) of object;

    void get_OnNotification(TElPKCSNotifyEvent &pMethodOutResult, void * &pDataOutResult);
    void set_OnNotification(TElPKCSNotifyEvent pMethodValue, void * pDataValue);
    typedef void (SB_CALLBACK *TElPKCSNotifyEvent)(void * _ObjectData, TObjectHandle Sender, TElPKCS11SessionInfoHandle SessionInfo, TElPKCS11NotificationFlagRaw NotificationFlag, int8_t &AbortOperation);

    TElPKCSNotifyEvent|callable|NULL get_OnNotification()
    void set_OnNotification(TElPKCSNotifyEvent|callable|NULL $Value)
    callable TElPKCSNotifyEvent(TObject $Sender, TElPKCS11SessionInfo $SessionInfo, integer $NotificationFlag, bool &$AbortOperation)

    not available


  • SessionInfo - Reference to the session, whose operation triggered the notification
  • NotificationFlag - currently only contains Surrender
  • AbortOperation - Set this parameter to True to stop the operation

TElPKCS11NotificationFlagRaw values


    This event is fired when the PKCS#11 DLL notifies about the progress of lengthy operation.

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