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TElSSHServer     See also     

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This event is fired when the client requested keyboard-interactive-authentication.


    event TSSHAuthKeyboardEvent OnAuthKeyboard;
    delegate void TSSHAuthKeyboardEvent(Object Sender, string Username, TElStringList Submethods, ref string Name, ref string Instruction, TElStringList Requests, TElBits Echoes);

    Event OnAuthKeyboard As TSSHAuthKeyboardEvent
    Delegate Sub TSSHAuthKeyboardEvent(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Username As String, ByVal Submethods As TElStringList, ByRef Name As String, ByRef Instruction As String, ByVal Requests As TElStringList, ByVal Echoes As TElBits)

    property OnAuthKeyboard: TSSHAuthKeyboardEvent;
    TSSHAuthKeyboardEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Username : string; Submethods : TStringList; var Name: string; var Instruction: string; Requests : TStringList; Echoes : TBits) of object;

    void get_OnAuthKeyboard(TSSHAuthKeyboardEvent &pMethodOutResult, void * &pDataOutResult);
    void set_OnAuthKeyboard(TSSHAuthKeyboardEvent pMethodValue, void * pDataValue);
    typedef void (SB_CALLBACK *TSSHAuthKeyboardEvent)(void * _ObjectData, TObjectHandle Sender, const char * pcUsername, int32_t szUsername, TStringListHandle Submethods, char * pcName, int32_t &szName, char * pcInstruction, int32_t &szInstruction, TStringListHandle Requests, TBitsHandle Echoes);

    TSSHAuthKeyboardEvent|callable|NULL get_OnAuthKeyboard()
    void set_OnAuthKeyboard(TSSHAuthKeyboardEvent|callable|NULL $Value)
    callable TSSHAuthKeyboardEvent(TObject $Sender, string $Username, TStringList $Submethods, string &$Name, string &$Instruction, TStringList $Requests, TBits $Echoes)

    TSSHAuthKeyboardEvent getOnAuthKeyboard();
    void setOnAuthKeyboard(TSSHAuthKeyboardEvent Value);
    TSSHAuthKeyboardEvent.Callback OnAuthKeyboard = new TSSHAuthKeyboardEvent.Callback() {
        public void TSSHAuthKeyboardEventCallback(TObject Sender, String Username, TElStringList Submethods, TSBString Name, TSBString Instruction, TElStringList Requests, TElBits Echoes) {


  • Username - the name of the client being authenticated
  • Submethods - names of server-dependent submethods that the client would like to use
  • Name - line that names the authentication
  • Instruction - instructions that will be shown to the client before the list of questions
  • Requests - list of questions/prompts (each line contains a question/prompt)
  • Echoes - set Size equal to the total number of questions/prompts. If the bit is turned on, it specifies that the answer for corresponding question/prompt must be shown on client's display (on),if turned off - the responce should not be shown (ex. password)
  • pcUsername - the name of the client being authenticated
  • szUsername - the length of pcUsername.
  • pcName - line that names the authentication
  • szName - the length of pcName.
  • pcInstruction - instructions that will be shown to the client before the list of questions
  • szInstruction - the length of pcInstruction.


    During keyboard-interactive-authentication the server asks questions and client answers them. KI-authentication is held in several steps. This event is fired first and then the server gives series of questions. When it receives client's answers OnAuthKeyboardResponse event is fired. The server can send new questions to the client in its handler. Answers will be passed to OnAuthKeyboardResponse again.

See also:     OnAuthHostbased     OnAuthPassword     OnAuthPublicKey     OnAuthKeyboardResponse    

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