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TElSSLServer     See also     

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This event is fired when a new session has been created.


    event TSBServerSessionCreatedEvent OnSessionCreated;
    delegate void TSBServerSessionCreatedEvent(Object Sender, byte[] SessionID, ref Object SessionInfo, ref bool FreeOnRelease);

    Event OnSessionCreated As TSBServerSessionCreatedEvent
    Delegate Sub TSBServerSessionCreatedEvent(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal SessionID As Byte(), ByRef SessionInfo As Object, ByRef FreeOnRelease As Boolean)

    property OnSessionCreated: TSBServerSessionCreatedEvent;
    TSBServerSessionCreatedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const SessionID: ByteArray; var SessionInfo: TObject; var FreeOnRelease: TSBBoolean) of object;

    void get_OnSessionCreated(TSBServerSessionCreatedEvent &pMethodOutResult, void * &pDataOutResult);
    void set_OnSessionCreated(TSBServerSessionCreatedEvent pMethodValue, void * pDataValue);
    typedef void (SB_CALLBACK *TSBServerSessionCreatedEvent)(void * _ObjectData, TObjectHandle Sender, const uint8_t pSessionID[], int32_t szSessionID, TObjectHandle &SessionInfo, int8_t &FreeOnRelease);

    TSBServerSessionCreatedEvent|callable|NULL get_OnSessionCreated()
    void set_OnSessionCreated(TSBServerSessionCreatedEvent|callable|NULL $Value)
    callable TSBServerSessionCreatedEvent(TObject $Sender, string $SessionID, TObject &$SessionInfo, bool &$FreeOnRelease)

    TSBServerSessionCreatedEvent getOnSessionCreated();
    void setOnSessionCreated(TSBServerSessionCreatedEvent Value);
    TSBServerSessionCreatedEvent.Callback OnSessionCreated = new TSBServerSessionCreatedEvent.Callback() {
        public void TSBServerSessionCreatedEventCallback(TObject Sender, byte[] SessionID, TObject[] SessionInfo, TSBBoolean FreeOnRelease) {


  • SessionID - specifies the ID of the new session.
  • SessionInfo - the object containing session info.
  • FreeOnRelease - Set this parameter to true to have TElSSLServer release the session object once the session terminates, or to false if you intend to release the session object yourself when needed.
  • pSessionID - specifies the ID of the new session.
  • szSessionID - the length of pcSessionID.


This event is fired by TElSSLServer when a new session has been created and added to the session pool.

See also:     SessionPool     OnSessionReused    

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