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What's new in SecureBlackbox 11.0
The most significant new features and improvements are listed below.
Besides the listed ones, there have been also introduced a number of other changes, compatibility improvements and fixes.
The complete change list is available in the changes.txt file (the file is located in the folder,
to which you installed SecureBlackbox, and is also available as a separate download from SecureBlackbox web site).
- General changes:
The code has been reworked for more efficient memory management.
ASiC (Associated Signature Container, ETSI TS 102 918) components have been added. ASiC is a new European standard for signing data.
IPv6 support has been added to certificate management and validation functions.
Port knocking functionality added to socket-based client components.
In .NET edition SecureBlackbox now supports Xamarin.iOS.
- PKIBlackbox:
PKCS#11 components improved to work better with tokens that don't support certain operations (eg. GetObjectSize) defined by the standard
Added OnBeforeSign, OnBeforeAddTimestamp, OnBeforeAddValidationTimestamp events to TElCAdESSignatureProcessor to allow more flexible tune-up.
Added RevocationCheckPreference property to TElX509CertificateValidator, allowing to choose between revocation source types to use.
Added support for multipart ASN.1 content in PKCS#7 SignedData
- HTTPBlackbox:
Added REST client component
WebSockets (RFC 6455) support added. Both client and server components for WebSockets are available.
- FTPSBlackbox:
Added keep-alive to prevent command channel from being closed by NATs during long data transfer. Keep-alive is enabled by setting new TransferKeepAliveInterval property to non-zero value (300 000 is a great value for keep-alives). Note, that not all servers handle keep-alives correctly.
Added TElSimpleFTPSClient.ExtOPTSUTF8Supported property which can be used to check whether server supports OPTS UTF8 ON command
Added foPreallocateStorage option to TElSimpleFTPSClient.Options property that makes the client announce the size of the data being uploaded to the server before upload takes place.
Improved parsers for Unix and Windows listings to better handle listings with mistakes (eg. TAB instead of spaces as separator).
Added CopyMode parameter to DownloadFiles and UploadFiles methods. This parameter tells the component to delete the source files after they have been successfully transferred.
Added ftmOverwriteIfDiffSize transfer mode for DownloadFile/UploadFile and DownloadFiles/UploadFiles method. This mode is a conditional overwrite which is performed only when size is different. NOTE: file size is determined using chosen transfer type (ascii/binary). If you are using ASCII mode, file size can be determined not correctly and you should not use conditional overwrite then.
Added RemoveFiles method for recursive deletion of files and directories
- SSLBlackbox:
Improved SSL/TLS compatibility with GnuTLS (used in FileZilla)
Added smExplicitManual SSL/TLS mode in TElSimpleFTPSClient, TElPOP3Client and TElSMTPClient.
In new mode TLS is not activated by Login automatically and your code needs to do this by calling EstablishSSLSession method which is to be called before Login method. You can catch SSL/TLS exceptions that happen during execution of EstablishSSLSession method and handle them as needed.
Code optimized to speed-up SSL handshake on Android
Implemented proper countermeasures for Lucky Thirteen and, more generally, Oracle padding attacks.
- SSHBlackbox:
Added TElSSHKey.FingerprintMD5String and TElSSHKey.FingerprintSHA1String properties that return a fingerprint formatted into a string.
Added support for SSH key exchange obfuscation, as defined in https://github.com/brl/obfuscated-openssh
- SFTPBlackbox:
Added CopyMode parameter to DownloadFiles and UploadFiles methods. This parameter tells the component to delete the source files after they have been successfully transferred.
Added ftmOverwriteIfDiffSize transfer mode for DownloadFile/UploadFile and DownloadFiles/UploadFiles method. This mode is a conditional overwrite which is performed only when size is different. NOTE: file size is determined using chosen transfer type (ascii/binary). If you are using ASCII mode, file size can be determined not correctly and you should not use conditional overwrite then.
- PDFBlackbox:
Added a collection of properties for better control over signature widget appearance
Added support of 256-bit AES encryption revision 6 (Acrobat X) for password encryption handler.
Added possibility to add images into the signature widget.
Added possibility to lock signature fields on signing.
Added FontResourceName property to TElPDFSignatureWidgetText class.
- XMLBlackbox:
Added DSA-SHA256 signature algorithm (see XMLDSIG-CORE-11)
Optimized memory usage of TElXMLDOMNode class on 20-30%
Added ECDSA and RSASSA-PSS signature algorithms support in XMLDSig (see RFC 6931)
Added TElXMLWSUTimestamp class.
- OfficeBlackbox:
Added support of hardened encryption key generation for binary RC4 CryptoAPI encryption handler.
Improved distributed signing (automatically embed signing certificate and XAdES changes).
Added UpdateSignature method that allows to extend XAdES info after signing.
Added OnBeforeSign, OnAfterSign and OnPrepareSignature events for XML signature handlers of binary, OOXML, XPS and ODF documents.
- ZIPBlackbox:
Added property ElZipReader.CaseSensitiveFilenames and overloads for ElZipArchiveDirectoryEntry.EntryWithName/EntryWithPath/RemoveEntry to allow case-insensitive operations
- CloudBlackbox:
Added data storage components for SkyDrive and Google Drive
Added support for in-object metadata storing. Dropbox component now uses this mode by default. SkyDrive and GoogleDrive components use only this mode.
File data storage functionality significantly extended and optimized
WinAzure data storage now supports locking and awaitable copying
Fixed handling of non-ascii names and spaces in names of folders and files in Dropbox data storage.
- WebDAVBlackbox:
Added TElWebDAVClient.List method overload that allows to specify depth parameter.
TElWebDAVServer fixed to process XML special characters in file names correctly.
TElWebDAVClient improved to accept 'creationdate' attribute in RFC1123 format. E.g. this format is erroneously used by SabreDAV.
- EDIBlackbox:
Improved handling of version 1.2 for AS2/AS3 protocols
Added overloaded Save methods in TElASMessage and TElASReceipt to allow to store headers and bodies of messages and receipts to different streams.
Improved usage of UseFolding property value when composing AS2/AS3 receipts (MDNs) bodies
Added Features property in AS2/AS3 message classes which represents EDIINT-Features header field according to RFC 6017
Added UseFolding properties to AS2/AS3 message and receipt classes. By default, folding is not used anymore.
Added content digests calculation on AS2/AS3 message saving. See GetContentDigest(Algorithm) method.
Messages and receipts classes now do not convert time from local to universal.
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