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General notes

Please check What's New in this version.

All editions

In .NET and VCL editions certain refactoring of SBUtils and SBConstants units/namespaces took place. Some string manipulation functions have been moved to SBStrUtils. Type definitions have been moved to SBTypes. SBVersion type/enumeration has been moved from SBConstants to SBSSLConstants. Also SBSSLClient and SBSSLServer units / namespaces were renamed to SBSSLClient and SBSSLServer respectively.

TElSSLClient and TElSSLServer classes have been renamed to TElSSLClient and TElSSLServer respectively.

Java Edition

Java edition on Windows now supports Windows CryptoAPI and Windows Certificate Storage. Also PKCS#11 is supported (currently on Windows only).

.NET Edition

Support for dated platforms like .NET 1.1, .NET CF 1.0, Silverlight 3.0, Windows Phone 7.0, Mono 1.0 has been discontinued. Users who need to target these platforms can use SecureBlackbox 9.1 which will remain available for download.

ClientSSLSocket and ServerSSLSocket classes from SecureBlackbox.SSLSocket.dll assembly are deprecated. Their source code is included in Classes subfolder and users can build those classes manually if needed.

.NET 4.5 / WinRT is now supported.

VCL Edition

Delphi 4 support has been discontinued.

Source code has been updated to be used with Delphi and FreePascal 2.6 on Linux and MacOS X (and iOS). Evaluation versions are now available for FreePascal on MacOS X and iOS and for Linux.

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