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General notes

Please check What's New in this version.

All editions

BufferType type has been replaced with ByteArray.

More improvements in memory management.

SkyDrive components have been renamed to OneDrive to match the new name of the service

NewURL parameter in OnRedirection event of TElHTTPSClient can now be changed by the event handler. This caused the change in the event syntax

TElHTTPSClient.Post overload for web forms has been renamed to PostWebForm().

PKCS#11 constants and types have been renamed from CK?_ (eg. CK_LONG, CK_RV) to SB_CK?_ (SB_CK_LONG etc.).

Java edition

All methods are now named in lowerCamelCase, traditional to Java.

VCL edition

VCL edition is now compiled with FPC 2.6.4 (previously FPC 2.6.2 was used).

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