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General notes
Please check What's New in this version.
All editions
SSL/TLS and SSH/SFTP: In version 6.0 we technically enforce validation of the server keys (in SSH/SFTP clients) and server-side certificates (in SSL/TLS clients).
Now you must assign and implement the handler for OnCertificateValidate and OnKeyValidate event of the components.
If the handler is not assigned, the error will be reported.
This security measure was taken to ensure, that your application takes all responsibility for proper checking of the server's identity and authenticity.
TElSimpleSFTP client: UploadStream, UploadFile, DownloadStream and DownloadFile have "Mode" parameter, one of the values being "Append". This Append actually performed Resume operation. In version 6.0 this has been changed - now resuming of the transfer is done using Resume mode, Append mode is removed and AppendToEnd mode actually appends the data. This way, the applications that used Append mode must change the mode to Resume in order to avoid corruption of the transferred data.
.NET Edition
SecureBlackbox.PKI.dll has been removed from distribution. Its contents have been moved to SecureBlackbox.dll. Please update the reference list of your projects and installation packages.
All exception classes have been renamed to have a common naming format: EElxxxError, where xxx is replaced with the actual exception name.
VCL Edition
In SecureBlackbox 6.0 we have removed PKIBBox package file. If you have references to PKIBBox*.bpl or PKIBBox*.dpk, please remove them. Package contents have been moved to BaseBBox package file.
All exception classes have been renamed to have a common naming format: EElxxxError, where xxx is replaced with the actual exception name.
All classes can now be accessed by their documented name, without confusing T* prefix (ie. TElPGPKeyring can be used as TElPGPKeyring and not TElPGPKeyring).
ActiveX Edition
In SecureBlackbox 6.0 we introduced new set of interfaces and controls.
New interfaces merge the functions and properties, previously spread across multiple interfaces.
For example, new IElSimpleSftpClientX interface includes all functions and properies previously contained in IElSimpleSftpClientX..IElSimpleSftpClientX6.
New set of interfaces and controls is not compatible with previous releases of SecureBlackbox.
If you are starting a new project, please install and use this new set of controls.
Use the old interfaces and controls if you have existing projects that use previous releases of SecureBlackbox.
Old controls are contained in files BaseBBox.dll, PKIBBox.dll, PGPBBox.dll, SSLBBoxCli.dll, SSLBBoxSrv.dll, SSHBBoxCli.dll and SFTPBBoxCli.dll.
New controls are contained in files BaseBBox6.dll, PGPBBox6.dll, SSLBBoxCli6.dll, SSLBBoxSrv6.dll, SSHBBoxCli6.dll and SFTPBBoxCli6.dll (note that there's no PKIBBox dll anymore - it has been merged with BaseBBox).