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Clouds: Connect to Box service and authenticate for the first time
To connect to Box.com for the first time, it is necessary to take the following steps:
The code below shows how to authenticate the user with help of TElOauth2RedirectReceiver component.
// create a HTTP client for transport purpose
TElHTTPSClient transport = new TElHTTPSClient();
// set SSL versions to TLS 1.x
transport.Versions = SBSSLConstants.__Global.sbTLS1 |
SBSSLConstants.__Global.sbTLS11 | SBSSLConstants.__Global.sbTLS12;
// provide an event handler for validating SSL certificate(s)
transport.OnCertificateValidate += ...;
// actually, create a data storage object
TElBoxDataStorage storage = new TElBoxDataStorage();
// link to the transport client
storage.HTTPClient = transport;
// set client id and client secret parameters obtained in the Box console
storage.ClientID = @"...";
storage.ClientSecret = @"...";
// restore the refresh token stored in the previous session;
// refresh tokens are explained in the next section
storage.RefreshToken = @"...";
// start authorization procedure, passing the redirect URL
string url = storage.StartAuthorization(@"http://localhost:2180/");
// check if a manual authorization in a browser is required
// (no refresh token or expired refresh token provided)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
Console.WriteLine("Authorization required");
// create a redirect receiver to get an authorization code
TElOAuth2RedirectReceiver receiver = new TElOAuth2RedirectReceiver();
// activate the receiver on the specified redirect URL
// start the default browser and ask it to open the authorization web page
// wait until the user authorizes in the browser and
// grants access to his/her account on the Box server
while (!receiver.Receive())
// for demo purpose, we just write a dot to the console and
// freeze the thread for a half of a second; timeout is not handled
// complete authorization using the provided code
// save the refresh token for further use
Console.WriteLine("Refresh token: {0}\n", storage.RefreshToken);