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Save certificate request
Once you've generated your certificate request you would normally like to save it to a file. As a matter of fact, in most cases we deal with two files: one containing the request itself (which is going to be sent to the CA), and another one containing the private key.
First, create a file stream object for the request file and save the public request using the TElCertificateRequest.SaveToStream() method:
FileStream reqf = new FileStream("request.req", FileMode.Create);
Next, create a different file for the private key and use SaveKeyToStream() to save the key:
FileStream keyf = new FileStream("request.key", FileMode.Create);
That's it, now you can send request.req to your CA and wait for your brand new certificate.
Keep request.key in a safe place, you will need it for signing and decrypting data.
Alternatively to the above SaveToStream() and SaveKeyToStream() methods you can use format-specific methods: SaveToStreamPEM(), SaveKeyToStreamPEM(), SaveKeyToStreamPVK(). They do exactly the same as the methods described above with the only difference in the type of the resulting file format (PEM or PVK).