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Specifies set of possible header encodings.


    public enum TElHeaderEncoding { heAutoDetect = 0, he8bit = 1, heBase64 = 2, heQuotedPrintable = 3 };

    Enum TElHeaderEncoding
        heAutoDetect = 0
        he8bit = 1
        heBase64 = 2
        heQuotedPrintable = 3
    End Enum

    TElHeaderEncoding = (heAutoDetect, he8bit, heBase64, heQuotedPrintable);

    typedef uint8_t TElHeaderEncodingRaw;
    typedef enum { heAutoDetect = 0, he8bit = 1, heBase64 = 2, heQuotedPrintable = 3 } TElHeaderEncoding;

    class TElHeaderEncoding extends TSBBaseEnum {
        const heAutoDetect = 0;
        const he8bit = 1;
        const heBase64 = 2;
        const heQuotedPrintable = 3;

    public enum TElHeaderEncoding { heAutoDetect, he8bit, heBase64, heQuotedPrintable }

Possible values


    Encoding transformations other than the identity transformation are usually applied to data in order to allow it to pass through mail transport mechanisms which may have data or character set limitations.
    Definitions of the ‘8bit’, ‘quoted-printable’ and ‘base64’ can be found in the RFC 2045 (Freed et al.).

Declared in

  • Namespace: SBMIME
  • Assembly: SecureBlackbox.MIME
  • Unit: SBMIME
  • Package: SecureBlackbox.MIME.jar
  • sbmime.h

See also:     AssembleMessage    

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