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Defines possible parameters of searching by date.


    TSBDateLookupOption = short;
        const short dloBefore = 0;
        const short dloAfter = 1;
        const short dloBetween = 2;

    TSBDateLookupOption As Short
        Const dloBefore As Short = 0
        Const dloAfter As Short = 1
        Const dloBetween As Short = 2

    TSBDateLookupOption = (dloBefore, dloAfter, dloBetween);

    typedef uint8_t TSBDateLookupOptionRaw;
    typedef enum { dloBefore = 0, dloAfter = 1, dloBetween = 2 } TSBDateLookupOption;
    typedef uint32_t TSBDateLookupOptionsRaw;
    typedef enum { f_dloBefore = 1, f_dloAfter = 2, f_dloBetween = 4 } TSBDateLookupOptions;

    class TSBDateLookupOption extends TSBBaseEnum {
        const dloBefore = 0;
        const dloAfter = 1;
        const dloBetween = 2;

    not available

Possible values

Here 'Cert' means the certificate, which is processed.

Declared in

  • Namespace: SBCustomCertStorage
  • Assembly: SecureBlackbox
  • Unit: SBCustomCertStorage
  • Package: SecureBlackbox.Base.jar
  • sbcustomcertstorage.h

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