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This class specifies if the signing certificate should be embedded in the electronic signature over MS Office OOXML document, and specifies where exactly the certificate should be embedded.


    public enum TSBOfficeOpenXMLEmbedCertificate { InSignature = 0, InCertificatePart = 1, InSignedCertificatePart = 2, None = 3 };

    Enum TSBOfficeOpenXMLEmbedCertificate
        InSignature = 0
        InCertificatePart = 1
        InSignedCertificatePart = 2
        None = 3
    End Enum

    TSBOfficeOpenXMLEmbedCertificate = (ecInSignature, ecInCertificatePart, ecInSignedCertificatePart, ecNone);

    typedef uint8_t TSBOfficeOpenXMLEmbedCertificateRaw;
    typedef enum { ecInSignature = 0, ecInCertificatePart = 1, ecInSignedCertificatePart = 2, ecNone = 3 } TSBOfficeOpenXMLEmbedCertificate;

    class TSBOfficeOpenXMLEmbedCertificate extends TSBBaseEnum {
        const ecInSignature = 0;
        const ecInCertificatePart = 1;
        const ecInSignedCertificatePart = 2;
        const ecNone = 3;

    public enum TSBOfficeOpenXMLEmbedCertificate { ecInSignature, ecInCertificatePart, ecInSignedCertificatePart, ecNone }

Possible values

Declared in

  • Namespace: SBOfficeSecurity
  • Assembly: SecureBlackbox.Office
  • Unit: SBOfficeSecurity
  • Package: SecureBlackbox.Office.jar
  • sbofficesecurity.h

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