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Specifies whether an authentication is used when connecting to the SOCKS server.


    TElWebTunnelAuthentication = short;
        const short wtaNoAuthentication = 0;
        const short wtaBasic = 1;
        const short wtaDigest = 2;
        const short wtaNTLM = 3;

    TElWebTunnelAuthentication As Short
        Const wtaNoAuthentication As Short = 0
        Const wtaBasic As Short = 1
        Const wtaDigest As Short = 2
        Const wtaNTLM As Short = 3

    TElWebTunnelAuthentication = (wtaNoAuthentication, wtaBasic, wtaDigest, wtaNTLM);

    typedef uint8_t TElWebTunnelAuthenticationRaw;
    typedef enum { wtaNoAuthentication = 0, wtaBasic = 1, wtaDigest = 2, wtaNTLM = 3 } TElWebTunnelAuthentication;

    class TElWebTunnelAuthentication extends TSBBaseEnum {
        const wtaNoAuthentication = 0;
        const wtaBasic = 1;
        const wtaDigest = 2;
        const wtaNTLM = 3;

    not available

Possible values

Declared in

  • Namespace: SBSocket
  • Assembly: BaseBlackbox
  • Unit: SBSocket
  • Package: BaseBlackbox.jar
  • sbsocket.h

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