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SharePoint Integrator V4
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SPSearch Configuration

The component accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the component, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.

SPSearch Configuration Settings

CapitalizeFirstLetters:   Whether or not to capitalize the first letter.

This specifies whether or not SharePoint should capitalize the first letter in the query suggestion that is returned. This configuration is false by default.

Note: This configuration is only available for the SharePointServer2010 SharePointVersion.

EnableSpellCheck:   Enables spell checking.

This configuration specifies how the component should apply spell correction to the query text in the search. Valid values for this configuration are:

0Off: No spell checking will occur in the search.
1Suggest: This tell SharePoint to return a list of suggestions along with the specified search results. Note that this will not alter the specified query when performing the search.
2On: This will make spelling corrections to the query before performing the search.

By default, EnableSpellCheck is Off (0).

Note: This configuration is only available for the SharePointServer2010 SharePointVersion.

HighlightQuerySuggestions:   Whether or not to highlight query suggestions.

This configuration tells SharePoint whether to highlight portions of the query suggestions. By default, this configuration is false.

Note: This configuration is only available for the SharePointServer2010 SharePointVersion.

IncludeHighConfidenceResults:   Includes high-confidence results.

When true, SharePoint will include high-confidence results in the result set of a search. By default, configuration is false.

Note: This configuration is only available for SharePointVersions MOSS2007 and SharePointServer2010.

IncludeImplicitAND:   Whether to include a default AND between search terms.

When set to true, SharePoint will include a default AND between search terms in the query string. The default for this configuration is false.

Note: This configuration is only available for SharePointVersions MOSS2007 and SharePointServer2010.

IncludePreQuerySuggestions:   Includes pre-query suggestions.

When set to true, this configuration will include pre-query suggestions in the search results. The default for this configuration is false.

Note: This configuration is only available for the SharePointServer2010 SharePointVersion.

IncludeRelevantResults:   Includes relevant results.

This tells SharePoint whether or not to include relevant results in the search query. The default for this configuration is true.

IncludeSpecialTermResults:   Includes special term results.

When true, SharePoint will include special term results from the search query. The default for this configuration is false.

Note: This configuration is only available for SharePointVersions MOSS2007 and SharePointServer2010.

ResubmitFlags:   Specifies how to handle resubmissions.

This configuration tells the component how to handle resubmissions when no results are retrieved from the search.

The following flags are defined (specified in hexadecimal notation). They can be or-ed together to include multiple conditions:

0x00000001 NoResubmit
0x00000002 EnableSpellcheckOnResubmit
0x00000004 EnableSpellcheckSuggestOnResubmit
0x00000008 EnableStemmingOnResubmit
0x00000010 AddSynonymsAutomatically

By default, the value is NoResubmit (1) which means no resubmission will occur.

Note: This configuration is only available for the SharePointServer2010 SharePointVersion.

ResultProvider:   The result provider to use.

This configuration specifies which result provider will be used for the query service within SharePoint. Valid values for this configuration are:

0Default: The default provider which is configured in the administrative interfaces.
1SharePointSearch: This is the SharePoint Server search provider.
2FASTSearch: This is the FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint provider.

Note: When performing People Search queries, use the SharePointSearch (1) ResultProvider, even if FAST Search Server 2010 is the back-end search provider.

Note: This configuration is only available for the SharePointServer2010 SharePointVersion.

ResultType:   The result type of the current search result.

Possible values are RelevantResults, SpecialTermResults and HighConfidenceResults.

ElapsedTime:   The total time (in milliseconds) used for the search.

After Search is called this setting will return the time in milliseconds that the search took.

IsTotalResultsExact:   Determines if the TotalResults is exact.

This setting returns true after a call to Search if TotalResults represents the exact number of results.

FormBasedCookies:   Holds the security cookies for Form-Based Authentication.

This setting is automatically populated when AuthScheme is set to form based and a method is called. If this setting is populated before calling a method, the component will use the specified cookies.

If the cookies specified in this setting become invalid, set this to an empty string to clear the cookies before re-attempting authentication.

SPOnlineSecurityCookies:   Holds the security cookies for SharePoint Online.

This setting is automatically populated when AuthScheme is set to SPOnline and a method is called. If this setting is populated before calling a method the component will use the specified cookies.

If the cookies specified in this setting become invalid, set this to empty string to clear the cookies before re-attempting authentication.

SPOnlineSSO:   Whether to use Single Sign On (SSO) with Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS).

This setting may be set to True to use Single Sign On with Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) to authenticate to SharePoint Online. This is only applicable when AuthScheme is set to SPOnline. URL should be set to the SharePoint Online site URL. For instance:

list.URL = "";
list.User = "";
list.AuthScheme = SplistAuthSchemes.authSPOnline;
list.List = "MyCustomList";
You may also generate and use SPOnlineSecurityCookies. For instance:
list.URL = "";
list.User = "";
list.AuthScheme = SplistAuthSchemes.authSPOnline;
String cookie = list.Config("SPOnlineSecurityCookies");


list2.URL = "";
list2.Config("HttpCookies=" + cookie);
list2.AuthScheme = SplistAuthSchemes.authNone;
list2.List = "MyCustomList";

The default value is False.

SPOnlineSTS:   The URL of the online STS.

This setting specifies the URL of the online STS. The default value is "".

SPOnlineADFSAuthScheme:   The HTTP authentication scheme used when working with SSO.

This setting controls the HTTP authentication scheme used when connecting to SharePoint online using SSO. This is only applicable if SPOnlineSSO is set to True. Possible values are:

  • 0 (Basic)
  • 1 (Digest)
  • 2 (Proprietary)
  • 3 (None)
  • 4 (NTLM - Default)
  • 5 (Negotiate/Kerberos)
  • 6 (OAuth)
SSODomain:   Specifies the federation domain configured in Office 365.

SSODomain should be set to "OneLogin" when authenticating SharePoint Online via Office 365 through OneLogin Single Sign-On.

Base Configuration Settings

GUIAvailable:   Tells the component whether or not a message loop is available for processing events.

In a GUI-based application, long-running blocking operations may cause the application to stop responding to input until the operation returns. The component will attempt to discover whether or not the application has a message loop and, if one is discovered, it will process events in that message loop during any such blocking operation.

In some non-GUI applications an invalid message loop may be discovered that will result in errant behavior. In these cases, setting GuiAvailable to false will ensure that the component does not attempt to process external events.

UseBackgroundThread:   Whether threads created by the component are background threads.

If set to True, when the component creates a thread the thread's IsBackground property will be explicitly set to True. By default this setting is False.

UseManagedSecurityAPI:   Tells the component whether or not to use the system security libraries or a managed implementation.

By default the component will use the system security libraries to perform cryptographic functions. This means calls to unmanaged code will be made. In certain environments this is not desirable. To use a completely managed security implementation set this setting to True. Setting this to True tells the component to use the internal managed implementation instead of using the system's security API.

Note that when this value is set the product's system dll is no longer required as a reference, as all unmanaged code is stored in this file.

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Build 4.0.6240.0