QuickBooks Integrator V6 - Online Help
QuickBooks Integrator V6
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ItemAggregate Property

Contains an XML aggregate of the line item.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getItemAggregate($itemindex);
public function setItemAggregate($itemindex, $value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_salesorder_get($res, 13 , $itemindex);
inqb_salesorder_set($res, 13, $value , $itemindex);

Default Value



Contains an XML aggregate of the line item. If the line item has not been modified since receiving a response from QuickBooks, the exact LineRet aggregate that QuickBooks returned will be contained in this XML aggregate. However, if you have made changes to the this line item's properties the ItemAggregate property will re-generate the line item XML with the new data.

If you set the other line item properties and then query the ItemAggregate, a LineRet aggregate will be generated from the currently set properties.

You may set this property with raw xml. So long as you do not modify any other properties (forcing the line item to regenerate based on new changes), the xml will be sent as-is to the QuickBooks request processor. It is essential that you properly format the XML that you place in this property. When setting this property manually, the class will send exactly what you have set. You must ensure your xml is appropriate for the action you are attempting. For instance, if you are Adding an Invoice, you must ensure the outer tags are "InvoiceLineAdd". If Modifying an Invoice, the outer tags must be "InvoiceLineMod".

If you do not expressly set the ItemAggregate property with your own custom XML, all of this will be taken care of you automatically by the class.

The size of the array is controlled by the ItemCount property.

This property is not available at design time.

Data Type


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Build 6.0.6240.0