BatchResponseNetTransAmount Property
The net dollar amount of all transactions.
Default Value
The net dollar amount of all transactions.
This is the total transaction amount of the settlement, minus all refunds. If positive it indicates a payment to the merchant. If negative it means more refunds than sales were contained in the batch, and the merchant will be charged. Note that a void transaction DOES count towards the total BatchResponseNetTransAmount, but a Refund or Credit subtracts from it.
For instance, a batch containing one $10 transaction and one $10 void will have a BatchResponseNetTransAmount of "20.00". However, a batch containing one $10 transaction and one $3 refund will have a BatchResponseNetTransAmount of "7.00". In either case, the BatchResponseNetTransCount will be 2.
This amount is to be specified in US dollars, without a dollar sign but with an explicit decimal point. For instance, ten dollars and fifty cents is to be specified as "10.50".
This property is read-only.
Data Type