CardMagneticStripe Property
Track data read off of the card's magnetic stripe.
Default Value
Track data read off of the card's magnetic stripe.
If CardEntryDataSource is not one of the manually entered enumerations, then this property must be set with the track1 or track2 data from the magnetic stripe on the back of the customer's credit card. This includes everything after but not including the start sentinel (% or ;) and up to but not including the end sentinel (?) and LRC check character. You may only set this property with track 1 or track 2 data, and may not pass both. Use the CardEntryDataSource property to indicate which track you are sending.
The following example shows how to set the CardMagneticStripe and CardEntryDataSource properties if the data read off the card is "%B4788250000028291^TSYS^05121015432112345678?;4788250000028291=05121015432112345678?"
control.CardMagneticStripe = "B4788250000028291^TSYS^05121015432112345678" control.CardEntryDataSource = edsTrack1 or control.CardMagneticStripe = "4788250000028291=05121015432112345678" control.CardEntryDataSource = edsTrack2
Industry regulations do not allow merchants or processors to store track data in any form of persistent storage. Failure to abide by this regulation can result in significant fines and other penalties.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type