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Direct Payment Integrator V6
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GlobalTransSearchCriteria Type

Specifies criteria to filter the transaction search.


When performing a Search of transactions using the GlobalTransactionSearch bean, this type is used to limit the results to those you are specifically interested in. The BeginDate and EndDate fields are required, unless the PNRef field is set. In that case, all other fields in the GlobalTransSearchCriteria are ignored, and only the PNRef is sent in the search request.



If provided, only those transactions matching the specified ApprovalCode will be included in the search results. This field may contain up to 6 alphanumeric characters and symbols.


The start of the date range in which to search for transactions. This field is required except when the PNRef field is provided. It may contain up to 19 alphanumeric characters and symbols. The BeginDate of the date range may be in MM/DD/YYYY (or YYYY-MMDD or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) format. This date will be converted by the Global Payments system to YYYYMM- DDThh:mm:ss (time is in 24-hour format). If the value set in BeginDate does not contain time information, it will default to midnight on the given date.


If specified, only those transactions with the matching card number will be included in the search result. Wildcards may be used in this field.


If specified, only transactions made with the matching the CardType will be included in the search results. Valid values include:

1 Visa Card.
2 MasterCard card.
3 American Express card.
4 Novus Discover card.
12 PayPal card.

You may set this to a comma separated list of payment types. For instance, a CardType of "1,4" will pull all transactions made with Visa or Discover credit cards.


The CustomerId included in the original transaction. If provided, only those transactions made by the matching customer will be included in the search results.

This field is not applicable for Transaction Summaries.


The end of the date range in which to search for transactions. This field is required except when the PNRef field is provided. It may contain up to 19 alphanumeric characters and symbols. The EndDate of the date range may be in MM/DD/YYYY (or YYYY-MMDD or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) format. This date will be converted by the Global Payment system to YYYYMM- DDThh:mm:ss (time is in 24-hour format). If the value set in EndDate does not contain time information, it will be incremented to the next day at midnight such that no transaction on the desired end date will be excluded based on its time.


If specified, any transaction made with a credit card matching the ExcludeCardType will be excluded from the search results. Valid values include:

AMEX American Express card.
CARTBLANCH Carte Blanche card.
DEBIT Debit card.
DISCOVER Novus Discover card.
EBT Electronic Benefit Transfer.
MASTERCARD Master card.
VISA Visa card.

You may set this to a comma separated list to exclude multiple payment types. For instance, an ExcludeCardType of "VISA,DISCOVER" will ignore all transactions made with Visa or Discover cards.

This field is not applicable for Transaction Summaries.


If specified, any transaction matching the ExcludePaymentType will be excluded from the search results. Valid values include:

AMEX American Express card.
CARTBLANCH Carte Blanche card.
DEBIT Debit card.
DISCOVER Novus Discover card.
EBT Electronic Benefit Transfer.
MASTERCARD Master card.
VISA Visa card.
SETTLE Excludes requests to settle transactions.

You may set this to a comma separated list to exclude multiple payment types. For instance, an ExcludePaymentType of "DEBIT,EBT" will ignore all transactions with either DEBIT or EBT payment types.

This field is not applicable for Transaction Summaries.


If specified, any transactions matching the ExcludeResponseCode will be excluded from the search results. For instance, to exclude all approved transactions and return only declines, set the ExcludeResponseCode to "0". (As "0" is the response code for approved transactions).

This field is not applicable for Transaction Summaries.


If specified, any transaction matching the ExcludeTransType will be excluded from the search results. Valid values include:

Adjustment Excludes all tip adjustment transactions.
Authorization Excludes all previously-authorized (pre-auth) transactions.
BalanceInquiry Excludes all balance inquiry transactions.
Capture Excludes all captured transactions.
Credit Excludes all return transactions.
ForceCapture Excludes all force-auth transactions.
GetStatus to make an inquiry to an EBT cards balance.
PostAuth Excludes all post-auth transactions.
RepeatSale Excludes all repeat-sale transactions.
Reversal Excludes all reversal transactions.
Sale Excludes all sale transactions.
Void Excludes all void transactions.

You may set this to a comma separated list to exclude multiple transaction types. For instance, an ExcludeTransType of "Credit,Sale" will ignore all transactions with either Credit or Sale transaction types.

This field is not applicable for Transaction Summaries.


Indicates whether or not to exclude void transactions from the search results.


The InvoiceNumber that was included in the original transaction. If provided, only those transactions with matching InvoiceNumber will be included in the search results. Wildcards are allowed.

This field is not applicable for Transaction Summaries.


Cardholder's name as it is appears on the card. If specified, only those transactions with the matching cardholder's name will be included in the search result. Matching is done using wild cards: e.g. "test" will match "test", "1test" and "1test234".


Only transactions matching the PaymentType will be included in the search results. Valid values include:

Credit Retrieves Credit Card transactions.
Debit Retrieves Debit Card transactions.
EBT Retrieves EBT transactions.

This field is not applicable for Transaction Summaries.


The unique payment reference number assigned to the transaction. If this field is provided all other search criteria fields will be ignored.

This field is not applicable for Transaction Summaries.


The RegisterNumber associated with the original transaction. If specified, only transactions that were sent with the matching RegisterNumber will be returned in the response. This field may contain up to 10 alphanumeric characters.


If specified, only those transactions with the matching response code will be included in the search results. "0" indicates an approved transaction, anything else is a decline. Note that if you want all the declined transactions you should set ExcludeResponseCode to "0" (to exclude all approved transactions) instead.

This field is not applicable for Transaction Summaries.


The date of the settlement in MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY-MMDD format.


Indicates whether you wish to retrieve settled transactions or unsettled transactions. If set to true, only transactions that have been settled will be returned. If set to false (default), only transactions that have not been settled will be returned.


The settlement ID or message returned from the host. If specified, only transactions with a matching SettleMessage value will be returned.


The original TransactionAmount of the transaction. This may be 11 characters in DDDDDDDD.CC format, left-justified with no fill (eg: "1.99"). If specified, only transactions with a matching TransactionAmount will be returned.

This field is not applicable for Transaction Summaries.


If provided, only those transactions matching the TransactionType will be included.

Valid values when PaymentType is 0 (Credit) are:

1 Retrieves all Sale transactions.
2 Retrieves all Return transactions.
3 Retrieves all Reversal transactions.
4 Retrieves all Void transactions.
5 Retrieves all PreAuth transactions.
6 Retrieves all PostAuth/PreAuth transactions.
7 Retrieves all Force transactions.
9 Retrieves all Adjustment transactions.
10 Retrieves all AVSOnly transactions.
19 Retrieves all CardVerify transactions.

Valid values when PaymentType is 1 (Debit) are:

1 Retrieves all Sale transactions.
2 Retrieves all Return transactions.

Valid values when PaymentType is 2 (EBT) are:

11 Retrieves all CashBenefit transactions.
12 Retrieves all CashBenefitSale transactions.

You may combine set this to a comma separated list to specify multiple types. For instance, a TransactionType of "1,2" will pull all transactions with either Sale or Return transaction types.

This field is not applicable for Transaction Summaries.


The user who originated the transactions. If provided, only those transactions created by the matching User will be included in the search results. Wildcards are allowed.


public GlobalTransSearchCriteria();

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Build 6.0.6240.0