ResponsePINKey Property
PIN Encryption key to be loaded into the PIN pad device.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getResponsePINKey();
Procedural Interface
inpaydirect_ptechcanadiandebit_get($res, 25 );
Default Value
PIN Encryption key to be loaded into the PIN pad device. PIN encryption key encrypted under the PIN pad master key. This key changes as required by Interac regulations, and should be loaded into the PIN pad device upon receipt. Future transactions must contain an encrypted PIN block (EncryptedPIN) that was computed by the PIN pad using this key.
Keys are required to be renewed every:
- 200 Transactions
- 24 Hours
- Each time a Batch is released for settlement
- Whenever the PIN pad loses sync with the server
If the ResponseForceKeyRequest property is True after any transaction, you must immediately perform a RequestCurrentKeys transaction before sending any more authorizations.
This property is read-only.
Data Type