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PayPal Integrator V5
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IssueRefund Method

Refunds a payment originally made using the ADAPTIVEPAY component.


public void issueRefund();


There are three ways to issue a refund:

  • You may refund the entire transaction, which pulls funds from all the recipients associated with the original transaction. Simply set the PaymentKey or TrackingId of the original payment, as well as the CurrencyCode property, and then call IssueRefund.
  • You may issue a refund from specific recipients that were paid in the original transaction. Set the PaymentKey, TrackingId, and CurrencyCode as above, and then specify the individual Recipients you wish to draw the refund from, before calling IssueRefund.
  • A chained or parallel payment can be viewed as a set of individual payments. PaymentKey and TrackingId refer to the entire set, but TransactionId refers to one specific payment inside of the larger set. You may refund one specific piece of the set by specifying the TrackingId and calling IssueRefund. Note that in this case, the Recipients collection must remain empty.

Note that in a refund, the terms sender and recipient refer to sender and receivers of the original payment made using the AdaptivePay bean. When making a refund, the sender's account receives the refund and the Recipients accounts are the sources of the refund. Refunds are made from one or more Recipients to a sender.

After a successful IssueRefund, the results of each refunded piece of the whole transaction will be contained in the Refunds collection.

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