PayPal Integrator V5 - Online Help
PayPal Integrator V5
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FillFormVars Method

This is used to fill the FormVars property.


public void fillFormVars(String postdata);


This method takes the entire post data of the Instant Payment Notification received by the merchant, and uses it to fill the FormVars. You may alternatively parse the post data yourself and fill the FormVars property manually. This method is here for your convenience.

Due to PayPal constantly updating their IPN protocol, there are many form variables that are not automatically parsed by the bean. The following is a list of more commonly used form variables which do not have associated properties in this bean. For a comprehensive list of form variables, please visit the PayPal Integration Center (

first_nameCustomer's first name
last_nameCustomer's last name
contact_phoneCustomer's telephone number
payer_business_nameCustomer's company name (if the customer represents a business)
invoiceInvoice number of this purchase (optionally generated at the time of purchase)
receiver_idUnique account Id of payment recipient (if different from RecipientEmail)
customCustom pass-through value. May be used for any purpose
taxAmount of tax charged on the payment
for_auctionBoolean "true" or "false" indicates whether this payment is for an auction (eBay or otherwise)
auction_buyer_idThe customer's auction id
auction_closing_dateThe close date of the auction

The following form variables are present for transactions made via the DirectPayment or ExpressCheckout bean.

auth_idAuthorization identification number
auth_expAuthorization expiration date and time
auth_statusStatus of authorization ("Completed", "Pending", or "Voided").
auth_amountAuthorization amount
parent_txn_idIn the case of a refund, reversal, or canceled reversal, this variable contains the TransactionId from the original transaction.
pending_reasonThis variable only contains a value if Status is "Pending", and will indicate the reason behind that status.
reason_codeThis variable only contains a value if Status is "Reversed" or "Refunded", and indicates the reason behind that status.
remaining_settleRemaining amount that can be captured with ReAuthCapture.

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