PayPal Integrator V5 - Online Help
PayPal Integrator V5
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FormVars Property

Form variables for the current request.


public FormVarList getFormVars();
public void setFormVars(FormVarList formVars);


When using a programming language that does not allow you to retrieve the posted form data, you must set the FormVars property (or the AddFormVar method) with each form variable contained in the Instant Payment Notification you received from PayPal. If your programming language does allow you to retrieve the unaltered post data, you may pass it to the FillFormVars method, and this FormVars collection will be automatically filled.

This property will be filled after calling either the FillFormVars or VerifyIPN method.

The value of this property is parsed out of the Instant Payment Notification data that was posted by PayPal to your webserver. If you are passing the entire post data to FillFormVars, this will save you having to parse each form variable separately.

This property is not available at design time.

Default Value


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