PayPal Integrator V5 - Online Help
PayPal Integrator V5
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Recipient Type

Contains information about the recipient of a payment.


A Recipient type contains information about the recipient of a payment (the party whose account is credited), or in the case of a refund transaction, the original recipient of the payment and the source of funds for the refund.



Amount to be paid to the recipient. This field is required.

Limitations: Must not exceed $10,000 USD in any currency. The decimal separator must be a period (.) and the thousands separator a comma (,). No currency symbol ($) is to be sent.


Recipient's email address This field is required.


The invoice number for the payment. The data in this field shows on the transaction details report. (Use the AdaptivePaymentDetails component to generate reports).

This field is optional.


The transaction subtype for the payment. Possible values are:

ptGoods (1) This is a payment for goods.
ptService (2) This is a payment for services. (default)
ptPersonal (3) This is a person-to-person payment.
ptCashAdvance (4) This is a person-to-person payment for a cash advance.

Person-to-person payments can only be made under the following conditions:

  • Simple and parallel payments (not chained).
  • All transactions within the single Pay request must be person-to-person.
  • The FeesPayer must be set to either fpEachReceiver or fpSender.
  • This feature is available for applications with special permissions level.
This field is optional.


The telephone country code of the receiver's phone number. For instance, the US is 1, Japan is 81, the United Kingdom is 44, and Ireland is 353. A full list of International Direct Dialing codes can be obtained from the International Telecommunication Union Annex to Operational Bulletin No. 930 (15.IV.2009) "LIST OF ITU-T RECOMMENDATION E.164 ASSIGNED COUNTRY CODES".

This field is required if the PhoneNumber field is set.


An extension for the PhoneNumber. This field is optional.


The recipient's phone number. This field is optional.


Indicates whether the recipient is the primary receiver.

If this field is set to True, this is a chained payment. If the field is False, this is a simple or parallel payment.


Public Recipient()

public Recipient();

Public Recipient(ByVal Email As String, ByVal Amount As String)

public Recipient(string email, string amount);

Public Recipient(ByVal Email As String, ByVal Amount As String, ByVal PhoneNumber As String)

public Recipient(string email, string amount, string phoneNumber);

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