TransferFromAccountType Property
Type of account where the transfer is originating from.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getTransferFromAccountType(); public function setTransferFromAccountType($value);
Procedural Interface
inebank_banktransfer_get($res, 46 ); inebank_banktransfer_set($res, 46, $value );
Default Value
Type of account where the transfer is originating from.
This is required to be provided when initiating or modifying a transfer (i.e., when TransferFunds or ModifyTransfer methods are called). If TransferFromAccountType and TransferToAccountType are set to CreditCard, then the TransferFromBankId and TransferToBankId are not required to be provided in the request.
This property uses the following values:
- atChecking (0)
- atSavings (1)
- atMoneyMarket (2)
- atLineOfCredit (3)
- atCreditCard (4)
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type