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/n software BizTalk Adapters V4
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SCP Configuration

The adapter accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the adapter, access to these internal properties is provided through the Other property.

SCP Configuration Settings

LocalFile:   Specifies the local file or file mask when uploading.

This setting overrides the overrides the default behavior of the adapter, causing it to ignore the normal message data and upload the file indicated. Likewise, the parsed local filename is used instead of the value in the RemoteFile property.

This may be set to a FileMask value when uploading and RecursiveMode is set to True.

RecursiveMode:   If set to true the adapter will recursively upload or download files.

When a filemask is specified in LocalFile (sending) or FileMask (receiving) this setting specifies if sub-directories and files are transferred as well. By default this value is False and only files in the specified directory will be transferred. If set to true recursion will be used to transfer all child folders and files.

When sending, LocalFile should contain the path and filemask of a location on disk from which files will be uploaded. For instance "c:\files\*.txt".

When receiving, the ReceivedFilePath message context property is populated and provides the remote path from which the file was downloaded. Note that the server may not always return the expected files depending on the FileMask specified. A value of "*" should always work, however more complex filemask values may not be handled by the server as expected.

ServerResponseWindow:   The time to wait for a server response in milliseconds.

After an operation is complete the server may still return an error. This setting controls the amount of time the adapter will wait for an error to be returned. This value is specified in milliseconds. The default value is "20".

FilePermissions:   Specifies the permissions of a file to be set after a successful upload.

This may be set to an octal value representing the permissions of a file to be set after a successful upload. For example:

Note: When using the SCP adapter this must be a 4 digit value. The SFTP adapter will accept a 3 digit value.
LogSSHPackets:   If True, detailed SSH packet logging is performed.

This setting can be enabled to assist in debugging. When set to True the adapter will include detailed information about the SSH level packets in the log. The default value is False.

SSHAcceptServerHostKeyFingerPrint:   Instructs the adapter to accept the server's host key with this fingerprint.

This may be set to a comma-delimited collection of 16-byte MD5 fingerprints that should be accepted as the host's key. You may supply it by HEX encoding the values in the form "0a:1b:2c:3d". Example:

SSHEncryptionAlgorithms:   A comma-separated list containing all allowable compression algorithms.

During the SSH handshake, this list will be used to negotiate the encryption algorithm to be used between the client and server. This list is used for both directions: client to server and server to client.

At least one supported algorithm must appear in this list. The following encryption algorithms are supported by the component:

aes256-cbc256-bit AES encryption in CBC mode
aes192-cbc192-bit AES encryption in CBC mode
aes128-cbc128-bit AES encryption in CBC mode
3des-cbc192-bit (3-key) triple DES encryption in CBC mode
aes256-ctr256-bit AES encryption in CTR mode
aes192-ctr192-bit AES encryption in CTR mode
aes128-ctr128-bit AES encryption in CTR mode
3des-ctr192-bit (3-key) triple DES encryption in CTR mode
cast128-cbcCAST-128 encryption
blowfish-cbcBlowfish encryption
arcfourARC4 encryption
arcfour128128-bit ARC4 encryption
arcfour256256-bit ARC4 encryption
aes256-gcm@openssh.com256-bit AES encryption in GCM mode.
aes128-gcm@openssh.com128-bit AES encryption in GCM mode.

The default value is "aes256-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes128-ctr,aes256-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes128-cbc,3des-ctr,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,arcfour256,arcfour128,arcfour,cast128-cbc,aes256-gcm@openssh.com,aes128-gcm@openssh.com".

SSHKeyExchangeAlgorithms:   Specifies the supported key exchange algorithms.

This may be used to specify the list of supported Key Exchange algorithms used during SSH negotiation. The value should contain a comma separated list of algorithms. Supported algorithms are:

  • diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
  • diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
  • diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
  • diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
The default value is: "diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1".
SSHMacAlgorithms:   Specifies the supported Mac algorithms.

This may be used to specify an alternate list of supported Mac algorithms used during SSH negotiation. This also specifies the order in which the Mac algorithms are preferred. The value should contain a comma separated list of algorithms. Supported algorithms are:

  • hmac-sha1
  • hmac-md5
  • hmac-sha1-96
  • hmac-md5-96
  • hmac-sha2-256
  • hmac-sha2-256-96
  • hmac-sha2-512
  • hmac-sha2-512-96
  • hmac-ripemd160
  • hmac-ripemd160-96
The default value is "hmac-sha1,hmac-md5,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-ripemd160,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96,hmac-sha2-256-96,hmac-sha2-512-96,hmac-ripemd160-96".
DownloadSingleFile:   If set to true, the send adapter will download a file instead of upload.

This setting is used to download a file from an orchestration using the send adapter. It is only applicable to the send adapter. In situations where you want to initiate the download of a file instead of using a receive adapter you can configure the send adapter to download the file.

In this case the adapter should be used as a solicit response adapter. Because a solicit response port can return only one message, you can only download one file at a time with the SFTP, SCP, and FTP send ports. To do this you'll need to set the DownloadSingleFile configuration setting to true. For instance:

Message_2 = Message_1;
Message_2(nsoftware.BizTalk.SFTP.SSHUser) = "test";
Message_2(nsoftware.BizTalk.SFTP.SSHPassword) = "test";
Message_2(nsoftware.BizTalk.SFTP.SSHHost) = "server";
Message_2(nsoftware.BizTalk.SFTP.SSHAcceptServerHostKeyAcceptAny) = true;
Message_2(nsoftware.BizTalk.SFTP.RemotePath) = "temp";
Message_2(nsoftware.BizTalk.SFTP.RemoteFile) = "test.txt";
Message_2(nsoftware.BizTalk.SFTP.Other) = "DownloadSingleFile=true";

Note: You can also set DeleteAfterDownload in the Other property for FTP and SFTP transfer to delete the file on the server once the download is complete. DeleteAfterDownload is not applicable to SCP. This can be done by setting one configuration setting per line in the Other property:

Message_2(nsoftware.BizTalk.SFTP.Other) = "DownloadSingleFile=true\r\nDeleteAfterDownload=true";

It is also possible to download multiple files with the send adapters. To do this you can not use a solicit response port. You must use a one way send port. In this case set the LocalFile setting to the directory to which you'd like to download the files and set Download to true.

Download:   If set to true, the send adapter will download files instead of upload.

This setting is used to download multiple files using the send adapter. It is only applicable to the send adapter. In situations where you want to initiate the download of files instead of using a receive adapter you can configure the send adapter to download the files. It is similar in use to DownloadSingleFile.

To do this you can not use a solicit response port. You must use a one way send port. In this case set the LocalFile setting to the directory to which you'd like to download the files.

General Configuration Settings

AbsoluteTimeout:   Determines whether timeouts are inactivity timeouts or absolute timeouts.

If AbsoluteTimeout is set to True, any method which does not complete within Timeout seconds will be aborted. By default, AbsoluteTimeout is False, and the timeout is an inactivity timeout.

LocalHost:   The name of the local host or user-assigned IP interface through which connections are initiated or accepted.

The LocalHost configuration contains the name of the local host as obtained by the Gethostname() system call, or if the user has assigned an IP address, the value of that address.

In multihomed hosts (machines with more than one IP interface) setting LocalHost to the value of an interface will make the adapter initiate connections (or accept in the case of server adapters) only through that interface.

If the adapter is connected, the LocalHost configuration shows the IP address of the interface through which the connection is made in internet dotted format (aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd). In most cases, this is the address of the local host, except for multihomed hosts (machines with more than one IP interface).

TcpNoDelay:   Whether or not to delay when sending packets.

When true, the socket will send all data that is ready to send at once. When false, the socket will send smaller buffered packets of data at small intervals. This is known as the Nagle algorithm.

By default, this config is set to false.

UseManagedSecurityAPI:   Tells the adapter whether or not to use the system security libraries or a managed implementation.

By default the adapter will use the system security libraries to perform cryptographic functions. This means calls to unmanaged code will be made. In certain environments this is not desirable. To use a completely managed security implementation set this setting to True. Setting this to True tells the adapter to use the internal managed implementation instead of using the system's security API.

Note that when this value is set the product's system dll is no longer required as a reference, as all unmanaged code is stored in this file.

Connections Configuration Settings

PersistedConnectionTimeout:   How long to leave a persisted connection alive.

If persisted connections are enabled and PersistedConnectionTimeout is set to a positive value, the connection will be kept alive for that number of minutes after a message transmission. If no other messages are sent over that connection during the timeout period, the adapter will disconnect from that server.

Note: the default value is 0. This value means that the connection will be kept alive unless the server disconnects it due to idling.

Supported Macros

The adapter also supports the following Macros. These values are not case sensitive and would be supplied to a property in the form %MacroName%.

TempThis is resolved to the full path to the system's temporary directory.
MessageIDGlobally unique identifier (GUID) of the message in BizTalk Server.
SourceFileNameThe original file name. This includes the extension and excludes the file path, for example, Sample.xml
SourceFileNameNoExtThe original file name without the extension or file path, for example, Sample
RemoteFileNameThe name of the file as it was uploaded to the remote server. This includes the extension and excludes the file path, for example, Sample.xml. Valid only for AS3, FTP, and SFTP Send Adapters.
DestinationPartyName of the destination party.
DestinationPartyQualifierQualifier of the destination party.
SourcePartyName of the source party.
SourcePartyQualifierQualifier of the source party.
DateTime:CustomFormatThis special value allows you to specify your own custom time format. For instance DateTime:yyyy would be resolved to the 4 digit year.
DateThe date format yyyy-MM-dd.
DateTimeThe date format yyyy-MM-ddThhmmss.
TimeThe date format hhmmss.
DateTime_BTS2000The date format yyyyMMddhhmmssf.
DateTime.TZThe date format yyyy-MM-ddThhmmsszzz.
Time.TZThe date format hhmmsszzz.

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Build 4.0.6240.0