PDFForm Class

Properties   Methods   Events   Config Settings   Errors  

The PDFForm class offers PDF form management capabilities.




The PDF specification defines seven interactive form field types:

  • Button
  • Check box
  • Radio button
  • Text box
  • List box
  • Combo box
  • Signature
The PDFForm class supports the creation and modification of all the above field types in a PDF document (except for signature fields, which are covered by the PDFSign class - please see this article for more details).

To begin, provide the input document as a file (InputFile), byte array (InputData), or stream (SetInputStream) and call the Open method. This method will populate the Fields collection with the existing form fields in the document. When finished editing the form, call the Close method to close the document and save the changes.

Adding and Modifying Form Fields

The below sections contain instructions for adding and modifying each type of form field. Note that each of the following methods returns the index of the newly added field in the Fields collection, making it easy to access the PDFField object later. These objects' properties, such as their current values and dimensions, can then be adjusted to ensure the form meets your requirements.

PDFForm includes three additional methods that allow you to customize the form field before it is created. The SetPage and SetPosition methods can be used to specify the form field's location (the page on which it will be added and its position on the page, respectively). If SetPage is not explicitly called, the field will be placed on the first page of the document by default. The SetFont method can also be used to configure font properties (name, size, style, and color) for form fields that contain text.

Button Fields

A button (also known as pushbutton) field is a button on the form that simply responds as soon as it is clicked. Because of this, it is the only form field that does not retain a permanent value. Use the AddButton method to add a button field:

int buttonIdx = form.AddButton("button", "Press Me");

The action associated with a button field can be updated to perform specific tasks, such as displaying an alert or triggering a script. The example below assigns a JavaScript action to display an alert message when the button is clicked.

form.Fields[buttonIdx].Action = "app.alert('Hello! This is a simple alert message.');";

Check Box Fields

A check box represents a form field that can be toggled between two states: on and off. Use the AddCheckBox method to add a check box field:

int checkBoxIdx = form.AddCheckBox("checkbox", false);

The value associated with a check box field determines whether it will be toggled on or off. The example below toggles the check box on.

form.Fields[checkBoxIdx].Value = "true";

Radio Button Fields

Radio button fields are a set of related buttons, each of which - just like check boxes - can be in one of two states: on or off. Radio buttons belong to a radio group in which at most one button in the group may be in the on state at a time. Use the AddRadioButton method to add a radio button field:

int radioButtonIdx = form.AddRadioButton("radioGroup", "radiobutton", false); int radioButton2Idx = form.AddRadioButton("radioGroup", "radiobutton2", true);

A radio button field can be modified to change its state. The example below selects the first radio button, switching it on, which automatically deselects the other radio button in the same group, switching it off.

form.Fields[radioButtonIdx].Value = "true";

Text Box Fields

A text box field is box or space that allows the user to enter and edit text in a designated area on the form. It can contain default text and can also be configured as a password field to mask the input. Use the AddTextBox method to add a text box field:

int textBoxIdx = form.AddTextBox("textbox", "Enter your name here", false);

As shown in the example below, the value of a text box field can be modified to fill it with the desired text.

form.Fields[textBoxIdx].Value = "My name is John Doe";

List Box Fields

A list box field is a scrollable choice field that displays a list of selectable text items the user can choose from. Use the AddListBox method to add a list box field:

int listBoxIdx = form.AddListBox("numbers", "One\r\nTwo\r\nThree", "One");

A list box field can be modified to select one of the options. The example below updates the list box field to select the option "Three".

form.Fields[listBoxIdx].Value = "Three";

Combo Box Fields

A combo box field is a choice field that consists of a drop-down list of text items the user can choose from. At most one item may be selected at a time. Compared to list box fields, combo box fields include an editable text box that allows the user to enter a custom value in addition to the predefined options. Use the AddComboBox method to add a combo box field:

int comboBoxIdx = form.AddComboBox("colors", "Red\r\nGreen\r\nBlue", "Red");

A combo box field can be modified to select one of the options. The example below updates the combo box field to select the option "Blue".

form.Fields[comboBoxIdx].Value = "Blue";

Removing Form Fields

The RemoveField and RemoveFieldByName methods can be used to remove a form field from the document. These methods will not only deactivate the field on the form but will also remove the corresponding PDFField object from the Fields collection.

RemoveField removes a form field identified by its index, whereas RemoveFieldByName removes a field by using its name.

form.RemoveField(buttonIdx); form.RemoveFieldByName("checkbox");

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

DecryptionCertThe decryption certificate.
FieldsThe entire collection of form fields contained in the PDF document.
FontThe currently set font.
InputDataA byte array containing the PDF document to process.
InputFileThe PDF file to process.
OutputDataA byte array containing the PDF document after processing.
OutputFileThe path to a local file where the output will be written.
OverwriteWhether or not the class should overwrite files.
PasswordThe password to decrypt the document with.
PositionThe currently set position.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AddBitmapAdds a bitmap image at the current position.
AddButtonAdds a button field to the form.
AddCaptionAdds a caption for a form field.
AddCheckBoxAdds a check box field to the form.
AddComboBoxAdds a combo box field to the form.
AddDrawingAdds a vector drawing at the current position.
AddListBoxAdds a list box field to the form.
AddNewPageAdds a new blank page to a PDF document.
AddRadioButtonAdds a radio button to the form.
AddTextBoxAdds a text box field to the form.
CloseCloses an opened PDF document.
ConfigSets or retrieves a configuration setting.
EncryptedChecks whether a PDF document is encrypted.
FindFieldLocates a field in the document.
FlattenFlattens the form by removing the interactive form fields.
GetFieldPropertyRetrieves the value of a field property.
GetPagePropertyRetrieves the value of a page property.
OpenOpens a PDF document for processing.
RemoveFieldRemoves a field from the document.
RemoveFieldByNameRemoves a field from the document.
ResetResets the class.
SetFieldPropertySets the value of a field property.
SetFontSets the font properties to be applied to form fields.
SetInputStreamSets the stream containing the PDF document to process.
SetOutputStreamSets the stream to write the processed document to.
SetPageSets the page to be used as the working page.
SetPositionSets the position for form fields.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

DocumentInfoFired when the document has been loaded into memory.
ErrorFired when information is available about errors during data delivery.
LogFired once for each log message.
PasswordFired when the class detects that the PDF document is encrypted with a password.
RecipientInfoFired for each recipient certificate of the encrypted PDF document.

Config Settings

The following is a list of config settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AutoTurnPagesWhether to change the page automatically upon exceeding the upper or lower page boundary.
CloseInputStreamAfterProcessingWhether to close the input stream after processing.
CloseOutputStreamAfterProcessingWhether to close the output stream after processing.
FontPathsThe font search paths.
KeepPositionOnInsertWhether to keep the current position after inserting an element.
ListboxFlattenThe flattening mode for list box fields.
LogLevelThe level of detail that is logged.
OptionsFormatThe format of the options in a combo box or list box field.
OwnerPasswordThe owner password to decrypt the document with.
RightPaddingThe width of the whitespace gap to the right of newly added elements.
SaveChangesWhether to save changes made to the PDF document.
SystemFontNamesThe system font names.
TempPathThe location where temporary files are stored.
BuildInfoInformation about the product's build.
GUIAvailableWhether or not a message loop is available for processing events.
LicenseInfoInformation about the current license.
MaskSensitiveDataWhether sensitive data is masked in log messages.
UseDaemonThreadsWhether threads created by the class are daemon threads.
UseInternalSecurityAPIWhether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

DecryptionCert Property (PDFForm Class)

The decryption certificate.


public Certificate getDecryptionCert();
public void setDecryptionCert(Certificate decryptionCert);


This property is used to provide the certificate used for decryption. Note that this certificate must have a private key associated with it.

This property is not available at design time.

Please refer to the Certificate type for a complete list of fields.

Fields Property (PDFForm Class)

The entire collection of form fields contained in the PDF document.


public PDFFieldList getFields();


This property is used to access individual form fields within the document.

The PDF specification allows for an advanced, tree-like structure of the form fields, with each field residing within that tree. Much like in the object-oriented approach, form fields inherit properties from the fields that are their immediate parents in the tree. The leaf fields, called "terminal" by the specification, are the actual fields available for filling in and submitting. The fields occupying intermediate tree nodes are abstract and are only there to define a set of their descendant fields.

The PDFForm class flattens the tree structure, presenting the fields as one linear list. The following mechanisms can be used to navigate the tree:

  • Use the Terminal property to find out if the field is terminal/leaf and can be filled in.
  • The FullName property contains the full name of the field in dotted format (parent.intermediate.child). Remove the last element from the name to obtain the name of the parent field (parent.intermediate in this case).
  • Use the FindField method to easily locate the field in the Fields collection.
Use the AddButton, AddCheckBox, AddRadioButton, and similar methods to add new fields to the form. Then edit the properties of the PDFField objects published in the Fields collection to modify them.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Please refer to the PDFField type for a complete list of fields.

Font Property (PDFForm Class)

The currently set font.


public PDFFont getFont();


This property is used to access the font details specified using the SetFont method.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Please refer to the PDFFont type for a complete list of fields.

InputData Property (PDFForm Class)

A byte array containing the PDF document to process.


public byte[] getInputData();
public void setInputData(byte[] inputData);


This property is used to assign a byte array containing the PDF document to be processed.

This property is not available at design time.

InputFile Property (PDFForm Class)

The PDF file to process.


public String getInputFile();
public void setInputFile(String inputFile);

Default Value



This property is used to provide a path to the PDF document to be processed.

OutputData Property (PDFForm Class)

A byte array containing the PDF document after processing.


public byte[] getOutputData();


This property is used to read the byte array containing the produced output after the operation has completed. It will only be set if an output file and output stream have not been assigned via OutputFile and SetOutputStream respectively.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

OutputFile Property (PDFForm Class)

The path to a local file where the output will be written.


public String getOutputFile();
public void setOutputFile(String outputFile);

Default Value



This property is used to provide a path where the resulting PDF document will be saved after the operation has completed.

Overwrite Property (PDFForm Class)

Whether or not the class should overwrite files.


public boolean isOverwrite();
public void setOverwrite(boolean overwrite);

Default Value



This property indicates whether or not the class will overwrite OutputFile, OutputData, or the stream set in SetOutputStream. If set to false, an error will be thrown whenever OutputFile, OutputData, or the stream set in SetOutputStream exists before an operation.

Password Property (PDFForm Class)

The password to decrypt the document with.


public String getPassword();
public void setPassword(String password);

Default Value



This property is used to provide the user password for decryption. Though it may be different from OwnerPassword, most implementations use the same value for both.

Position Property (PDFForm Class)

The currently set position.


public PDFPagePosition getPosition();


This property is used to access the position details specified using the SetPosition and SetPage methods.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Please refer to the PDFPagePosition type for a complete list of fields.

AddBitmap Method (PDFForm Class)

Adds a bitmap image at the current position.


public void addBitmap(String format, byte[] bitmapBytes, int bitmapWidth, int bitmapHeight, String width, String height);


This function is not available in the current version of the product.

Use this function to add a bitmap image at the specified Position. Provide the parameters of the serialized image using the Format, BitmapBytes, BitmapWidth, and BitmapHeight parameters.

Use Width and Height parameters to specify the dimensions, in points, which the image should be scaled/stretched to when placed on the page.

Note: please make sure to provide the original width and height of the bitmap, in pixels, via the BitmapWidth and BitmapHeight parameters.

AddButton Method (PDFForm Class)

Adds a button field to the form.


public int addButton(String name, String caption);


This method is used to create a button field with name Name and caption Caption at the specified Position.

The button is added to the end of the Fields collection and can be modified using the properties of the respective PDFField object.

This method returns the index of the newly added field in the Fields collection.

AddCaption Method (PDFForm Class)

Adds a caption for a form field.


public void addCaption(String caption);


This method is used to add a caption (title) for a form field at the specified Position.

AddCheckBox Method (PDFForm Class)

Adds a check box field to the form.


public int addCheckBox(String name, boolean defaultValue);


This method is used to create a check box field with name Name at the specified Position.

The DefaultValue parameter specifies the initial state of the check box (checked/unchecked).

The check box field is added to the end of the Fields collection and can be modified using the properties of the respective PDFField object.

This method returns the index of the newly added field in the Fields collection.

AddComboBox Method (PDFForm Class)

Adds a combo box field to the form.


public int addComboBox(String name, String options, String defaultValue);


This method is used to create a combo box field with name Name at the specified Position.

The Options parameter specifies a list of choices as a multi-line string.

The DefaultValue parameter specifies the initial value selected in the combo box.

The new combo box field is added to the end of the Fields collection and can be modified using the properties of the respective PDFField object.

This method returns the index of the newly added field in the Fields collection.

AddDrawing Method (PDFForm Class)

Adds a vector drawing at the current position.


public void addDrawing(String format, byte[] drawingBytes, String width, String height);


This function is not available in the current version of the product.

Use this function to add a vector drawing at the specified Position. Provide the drawing, as an encoded PDF appearance stream, via the DrawingBytes parameter.

Use Width and Height parameters to specify the dimensions, in points, which the drawing should be scaled/stretched to when placed on the page.

AddListBox Method (PDFForm Class)

Adds a list box field to the form.


public int addListBox(String name, String options, String defaultValue);


This method is used to create a list box field with name Name at the specified Position.

The Options parameter specifies a list of choices as a multi-line string.

The DefaultValue parameter specifies the initial value selected in the list box.

The new list box field is added to the end of the Fields collection and can be modified using the properties of the respective PDFField object.

This method returns the index of the newly added field in the Fields collection.

AddNewPage Method (PDFForm Class)

Adds a new blank page to a PDF document.


public void addNewPage(int pageIndex);


This method is used to add a new page to the document at the position specified by the PageIndex parameter. Note that when this method returns, the Position will not be automatically moved to the newly added page.

AddRadioButton Method (PDFForm Class)

Adds a radio button to the form.


public int addRadioButton(String radioGroup, String name, boolean isDefaultButton);


This method is used to create a radio button field with name Name, within the radio group RadioGroup, at the specified Position.

The IsDefaultButton parameter specifies whether the radio button will be selected initially (i.e., whether it will be the DefaultValue of the radio group).

The new radio button field is added to the end of the Fields collection and can be modified using the properties of the respective PDFField object.

This method returns the index of the newly added field in the Fields collection.

AddTextBox Method (PDFForm Class)

Adds a text box field to the form.


public int addTextBox(String name, String defaultValue, boolean password);


This method is used to create a text box field with name Name at the specified Position.

The DefaultValue parameter specifies the initial value contained in the text box.

The Password parameter specifies whether the text box is intended to contain a password. If this parameter is true, the text will be displayed as asterisk characters (*).

The new text box field is added to the end of the Fields collection and can be modified using the properties of the respective PDFField object.

This method returns the index of the newly added field in the Fields collection.

Close Method (PDFForm Class)

Closes an opened PDF document.


public void close();


This method is used to close the previously opened document specified in InputFile, InputData, or SetInputStream. It should always be preceded by a call to the Open method.


component.InputFile = "input.pdf"; component.Open(); // Some operation component.Close();

If any changes are made to the document, they will be saved automatically to OutputFile, OutputData, or the stream set in SetOutputStream when this method is called. To configure this saving behavior, set the SaveChanges configuration setting.

Config Method (PDFForm Class)

Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.


public String config(String configurationString);


Config is a generic method available in every class. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the class.

These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.

To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).

To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.

Encrypted Method (PDFForm Class)

Checks whether a PDF document is encrypted.


public boolean encrypted();


This method is used to determine whether or not the document specified in InputFile, InputData, or SetInputStream is encrypted. It will return false if the document is pseudo-encrypted with an empty password.


component.InputFile = "input.pdf"; if (component.Encrypted()) { // Set Password or DecryptionCert } component.Open(); // Some operation component.Close();
Note: If the document is not already opened, this method will open it, perform the operation, then close it.

FindField Method (PDFForm Class)

Locates a field in the document.


public int findField(String name);


This method is used to quickly locate the field with name Name in the document. This method returns the index of the field in the Fields collection, or -1 if the field was not found.

Flatten Method (PDFForm Class)

Flattens the form by removing the interactive form fields.


public void flatten();


This method is used to substitute all the existing form fields in the document with their currently set values, thus fixing them.

This method strips the interactive form features from the document. The flattened fields are no longer fields and can no longer be modified or extracted. Any signatures that may have been included in the original document are removed from the flattened document.

GetFieldProperty Method (PDFForm Class)

Retrieves the value of a field property.


public String getFieldProperty(int fieldIndex, String fieldProperty);


This method is used to retrieve the value of a field property. Together with SetFieldProperty, this method provides an extensible way of managing the field settings that are not available through the PDFField type. The list of settings below may be extended in the future.

The FieldIndex parameter is the index of the field of interest in the Fields collection, and the FieldProperty parameter specifies the field property to read. The latter can take one of the following values:

Field property Default value Description
AnnotationFlags 0 The field annotation flags.
AnnotationHidden False Whether the field annotation is completely invisible, meaning it cannot be displayed, printed, or interacted with.
AnnotationInvisible False Whether the field annotation is invisible on the screen and in print, but still remains interactive.
AnnotationLocked False Whether the user cannot modify the field annotation's properties, such as its position and size.
AnnotationLockedContents False Whether the user cannot modify the field annotation's contents.
AnnotationNoRotate False Whether the field annotation's orientation remains fixed regardless of the page rotation.
AnnotationNoView False Whether the field annotation is invisible on the screen and cannot be interacted with, but still appears when printed.
AnnotationNoZoom False Whether the field annotation's size remains fixed regardless of the page magnification level.
AnnotationPrint False Whether the field annotation will appear when the page is printed.
AnnotationReadOnly False Whether the user cannot interact with or modify the field annotation.
AnnotationToggleNoView False Whether the field annotation's NoView flag is intended to be toggled dynamically by a user action or script.
Flags 0 The field flags.
IncludeEdit False Whether the combo box field includes an editable text box in addition to a drop-down list.
MultiLine False Whether the text box field can contain multiple lines of text.
MultiSelect False Whether multiple Options can be selected simultaneously in the combo box or list box field.
NoExport False Whether the field will not be exported when the form is submitted.
NoToggleToOff False Whether exactly one radio button in the radio group must always be selected.
Password False Whether the text box field is intended to contain a password.
ReadOnly False Whether the user cannot change the field's Value.
Required False Whether the field must have a Value before the form can be submitted.
Sort False Whether the Options will be automatically sorted alphabetically in the combo box or list box field.
UnisonSelect False Whether selecting one radio button automatically selects all other radio buttons in the same group that share the same FieldName and value for the on state.

Note: Each field property is only populated once the document has been loaded, which is reported by the DocumentInfo event.

GetPageProperty Method (PDFForm Class)

Retrieves the value of a page property.


public String getPageProperty(int pageIndex, String pageProperty);


This method is used to read general information about the pages of the document specified in InputFile, InputData, or SetInputStream, such as their dimensions and content positioning details.

The PageIndex parameter specifies the page to read information about (with a valid range from 0 to PageCount - 1), and the PageProperty parameter specifies the page property to read. The latter can take one of the following values:

Page property Default value Description
CropLowerLeftX 0 The lower-left X coordinate of the page crop area in points.
CropLowerLeftY 0 The lower-left Y coordinate of the page crop area in points.
CropUpperRightX 0 The upper-right X coordinate of the page crop area in points.
CropUpperRightY 0 The upper-right Y coordinate of the page crop area in points.
Height 0 The height of the page in points. Both integer and decimal values are supported.
MediaLowerLeftX 0 The lower-left X coordinate of the page media area in points.
MediaLowerLeftY 0 The lower-left Y coordinate of the page media area in points.
MediaUpperRightX 0 The upper-right X coordinate of the page media area in points.
MediaUpperRightY 0 The upper-right Y coordinate of the page media area in points.
Rotation 0 The rotation angle of the page in degrees. Possible values: 0, 90, 180, 270.
Width 0 The width of the page in points. Both integer and decimal values are supported.


int pageCount = 0; component.OnDocumentInfo += (s, e) => { pageCount = e.PageCount; }; component.InputFile = "input.pdf"; component.Open(); for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) component.GetPageProperty(i, "Height"); component.Close();
The page properties can be used to adjust the position of the signature widget based on the page dimensions. For example:
int x = int.Parse(pdfsign.GetPageProperty(0, "Width")) - 100; int y = int.Parse(pdfsign.GetPageProperty(0, "Height")) - 100; pdfsign.SetWidgetProperty("OffsetX", x.ToString()); pdfsign.SetWidgetProperty("OffsetY", y.ToString());
Note: Each page property is only populated once the document has been loaded, which is reported by the DocumentInfo event.

Note: If the document is not already opened, this method will open it, perform the operation, then close it.

Open Method (PDFForm Class)

Opens a PDF document for processing.


public void open();


This method is used to open the document specified in InputFile, InputData, or SetInputStream before performing some operation on it, such as adding, editing, or removing form fields. When finished, call Close to complete or discard the operation.

It is recommended to use this method (alongside Close) when performing multiple operations on the document at once.

Note: This method will populate the Fields collection with any form fields found in the document.

RemoveField Method (PDFForm Class)

Removes a field from the document.


public void removeField(int index);


This method is used to remove a field from the document. The Index parameter specifies the index of the field in the Fields collection to be removed.

Note: This method can only be used with terminal fields.

RemoveFieldByName Method (PDFForm Class)

Removes a field from the document.


public void removeFieldByName(String name);


This method is used to remove a field from the document. The Name parameter specifies the full name of the field in the Fields collection to be removed.

Note: This method can only be used with terminal fields.

Reset Method (PDFForm Class)

Resets the class.


public void reset();


This method is used to reset the class's properties and configuration settings to their default values.

SetFieldProperty Method (PDFForm Class)

Sets the value of a field property.


public void setFieldProperty(int fieldIndex, String fieldProperty, String value);


This method is used to modify the value of a field property. Together with GetFieldProperty, this method provides an extensible way of managing the field settings that are not available through the PDFField type. The list of settings below may be extended in the future.

The FieldIndex parameter is the index of the field of interest in the Fields collection, and the FieldProperty and Value parameters specify the field property and value to set respectively. The former can take one of the following values:

Field property Default value Description
AnnotationFlags 0 The field annotation flags.
AnnotationHidden False Whether the field annotation is completely invisible, meaning it cannot be displayed, printed, or interacted with.
AnnotationInvisible False Whether the field annotation is invisible on the screen and in print, but still remains interactive.
AnnotationLocked False Whether the user cannot modify the field annotation's properties, such as its position and size.
AnnotationLockedContents False Whether the user cannot modify the field annotation's contents.
AnnotationNoRotate False Whether the field annotation's orientation remains fixed regardless of the page rotation.
AnnotationNoView False Whether the field annotation is invisible on the screen and cannot be interacted with, but still appears when printed.
AnnotationNoZoom False Whether the field annotation's size remains fixed regardless of the page magnification level.
AnnotationPrint False Whether the field annotation will appear when the page is printed.
AnnotationReadOnly False Whether the user cannot interact with or modify the field annotation.
AnnotationToggleNoView False Whether the field annotation's NoView flag is intended to be toggled dynamically by a user action or script.
Flags 0 The field flags.
IncludeEdit False Whether the combo box field includes an editable text box in addition to a drop-down list.
MultiLine False Whether the text box field can contain multiple lines of text.
MultiSelect False Whether multiple Options can be selected simultaneously in the combo box or list box field.
NoExport False Whether the field will not be exported when the form is submitted.
NoToggleToOff False Whether exactly one radio button in the radio group must always be selected.
Password False Whether the text box field is intended to contain a password.
ReadOnly False Whether the user cannot change the field's Value.
Required False Whether the field must have a Value before the form can be submitted.
Sort False Whether the Options will be automatically sorted alphabetically in the combo box or list box field.
UnisonSelect False Whether selecting one radio button automatically selects all other radio buttons in the same group that share the same FieldName and value for the on state.

SetFont Method (PDFForm Class)

Sets the font properties to be applied to form fields.


public void setFont(String name, String size, String style, String color);


This method is used to define the font attributes for text in form fields.

The Name parameter specifies the font name.

The Size parameter specifies the font size, either as an absolute value (e.g., "12") or relative adjustment (e.g., "+2").

The Style parameter specifies the font style: a combination of bold ("B"), italic ("I"), or underline ("U").

The Color parameter specifies the font color in hexadecimal format.

SetInputStream Method (PDFForm Class)

Sets the stream containing the PDF document to process.


public void setInputStream(java.io.InputStream inputStream);


This method is used to set the stream from which the class will read the PDF document to be processed. If an input stream is set before the class attempts to perform operations on the document, the class will read the data from the input stream instead of from the InputFile or InputData properties.

Note: It may be useful to additionally set the CloseInputStreamAfterProcessing configuration setting to true when using input streams.

SetOutputStream Method (PDFForm Class)

Sets the stream to write the processed document to.


public void setOutputStream(java.io.OutputStream outputStream);


This method is used to set the stream to which the class will write the resulting PDF document. If an output stream is set before the class attempts to perform operations on the document, the class will write the data to the output stream instead of writing to OutputFile or populating OutputData.

Note: It may be useful to additionally set the CloseOutputStreamAfterProcessing configuration setting to true when using output streams.

SetPage Method (PDFForm Class)

Sets the page to be used as the working page.


public void setPage(int pageIndex);


This method is used to specify the page on which all subsequent operations will be performed. The page is identified by the PageIndex parameter.

Note: PageIndex set to -1 specifies the last page of the document.

SetPosition Method (PDFForm Class)

Sets the position for form fields.


public void setPosition(String X, String Y);


This method is used to define the position where form fields will be added. The X parameter specifies the horizontal position, and the Y parameter specifies the vertical position.

Values that are absolute, relative to the current position, and relative to the page dimensions are all supported.


// Sets to exact coordinates. form.SetPosition("100", "20"); // Moves 20 points to the right and 20 points down from the current position. form.SetPosition("{x}+20", "{y}-20"); // Moves 20 points from the right edge and 120 points from the top edge of the page. form.SetPosition("{width}-20", "{height}-120");

DocumentInfo Event (PDFForm Class)

Fired when the document has been loaded into memory.


public class DefaultPDFFormEventListener implements PDFFormEventListener {
  public void documentInfo(PDFFormDocumentInfoEvent e) {}

public class PDFFormDocumentInfoEvent {
  public int pageCount;
  public int signatureCount;


This event is fired once per document processing routine to report that the document has been processed and loaded into memory.

The handler for this event is a good place to check the document structure and access document-related information such as page number and document file details. These may be useful when preparing the signature. For example, the GetPageProperty method can be used to find the optimal position for the signature widget.

The PageCount parameter reports the number of pages in the document.

The SignatureCount parameter reports the number of signatures in the document.

This event is fired when the Open method is called, but only after Password or RecipientInfo is fired (if applicable) and the document has been decrypted.

Error Event (PDFForm Class)

Fired when information is available about errors during data delivery.


public class DefaultPDFFormEventListener implements PDFFormEventListener {
  public void error(PDFFormErrorEvent e) {}

public class PDFFormErrorEvent {
  public int errorCode;
  public String description;


The Error event is fired in case of exceptional conditions during message processing. Normally the class throws an exception.

The ErrorCode parameter contains an error code, and the Description parameter contains a textual description of the error. For a list of valid error codes and their descriptions, please refer to the Error Codes section.

Log Event (PDFForm Class)

Fired once for each log message.


public class DefaultPDFFormEventListener implements PDFFormEventListener {
  public void log(PDFFormLogEvent e) {}

public class PDFFormLogEvent {
  public int logLevel;
  public String message;
  public String logType;


This event is fired once for each log message generated by the class. The verbosity is controlled by the LogLevel configuration setting.

The LogLevel parameter indicates the detail level of the message. Possible values are:

0 (None) No messages are logged.
1 (Info - default) Informational events such as the basics of the chain validation procedure are logged.
2 (Verbose) Detailed data such as HTTP requests are logged.
3 (Debug) Debug data including the full chain validation procedure are logged.

The Message parameter is the log message.

The LogType parameter identifies the type of log entry. Possible values are:

  • CertValidator
  • Font
  • HTTP
  • PDFInvalidSignature
  • PDFRevocationInfo
  • Timestamp
  • TSL

Password Event (PDFForm Class)

Fired when the class detects that the PDF document is encrypted with a password.


public class DefaultPDFFormEventListener implements PDFFormEventListener {
  public void password(PDFFormPasswordEvent e) {}

public class PDFFormPasswordEvent {
  public boolean available;
  public boolean cancel; //read-write


This event is fired during document processing to report that the document is encrypted with a password. It may be used to supply the correct decryption password to the Password property.

The Available parameter indicates whether the decryption password is already available to the class or still needs to be set. If this parameter is set to false, the correct password must be provided for the decryption attempt to succeed.

The Cancel parameter determines whether the class will stop firing this event to request a password.

RecipientInfo Event (PDFForm Class)

Fired for each recipient certificate of the encrypted PDF document.


public class DefaultPDFFormEventListener implements PDFFormEventListener {
  public void recipientInfo(PDFFormRecipientInfoEvent e) {}

public class PDFFormRecipientInfoEvent {
  public String issuer;
  public String serialNumber;
  public String subjectKeyIdentifier;
  public boolean available;
  public boolean cancel; //read-write


This event is fired during document processing for each recipient certificate that the document has been encrypted for (if applicable). It may be used to identify the certificate(s) to load and supply to the DecryptionCert property.

The Issuer parameter specifies the subject of the issuer certificate.

The SerialNumber parameter specifies the serial number of the encryption certificate.

The SubjectKeyIdentifier parameter specifies the X.509 subjectKeyIdentifier extension value of the encryption certificate, encoded as a hex string.

The Available parameter indicates whether the decryption certificate is already available to the class or still needs to be set. If this parameter is set to false, the correct certificate must be provided for the decryption attempt to succeed.

The Cancel parameter determines whether the class will stop firing this event to request a certificate.

Note: The document may be encrypted with more than one certificate (or have "more than one recipient"), in which case each certificate will cause its own invocation of this event.

Certificate Type

This is the digital certificate being used.


This type describes the current digital certificate. The certificate may be a public or private key. The fields are used to identify or select certificates.

The following fields are available:


String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The date on which this certificate becomes valid. Before this date, it is not valid. The date is localized to the system's time zone. The following example illustrates the format of an encoded date:

23-Jan-2000 15:00:00.

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The date on which the certificate expires. After this date, the certificate will no longer be valid. The date is localized to the system's time zone. The following example illustrates the format of an encoded date:

23-Jan-2001 15:00:00.

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

A comma-delimited list of extended key usage identifiers. These are the same as ASN.1 object identifiers (OIDs).

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The hex-encoded, 16-byte MD5 fingerprint of the certificate. This property is primarily used for keys which do not have a corresponding X.509 public certificate, such as PEM keys that only contain a private key. It is commonly used for SSH keys.

The following example illustrates the format: bc:2a:72:af:fe:58:17:43:7a:5f:ba:5a:7c:90:f7:02

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The hex-encoded, 20-byte SHA-1 fingerprint of the certificate. This property is primarily used for keys which do not have a corresponding X.509 public certificate, such as PEM keys that only contain a private key. It is commonly used for SSH keys.

The following example illustrates the format: 30:7b:fa:38:65:83:ff:da:b4:4e:07:3f:17:b8:a4:ed:80:be:ff:84

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The hex-encoded, 32-byte SHA-256 fingerprint of the certificate. This property is primarily used for keys which do not have a corresponding X.509 public certificate, such as PEM keys that only contain a private key. It is commonly used for SSH keys.

The following example illustrates the format: 6a:80:5c:33:a9:43:ea:b0:96:12:8a:64:96:30:ef:4a:8a:96:86:ce:f4:c7:be:10:24:8e:2b:60:9e:f3:59:53

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The issuer of the certificate. This field contains a string representation of the name of the issuing authority for the certificate.

Default Value: ""

The password for the certificate's private key (if any).

Some certificate stores may individually protect certificates' private keys, separate from the standard protection offered by the StorePassword. This field can be used to read such password-protected private keys.

Note: This property defaults to the value of StorePassword. To clear it, you must set the property to the empty string (""). It can be set at any time, but when the private key's password is different from the store's password, then it must be set before calling PrivateKey.

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The private key of the certificate (if available). The key is provided as PEM/Base64-encoded data.

Note: The PrivateKey may be available but not exportable. In this case, PrivateKey returns an empty string.

boolean (read-only)
Default Value: False

Whether a PrivateKey is available for the selected certificate. If PrivateKeyAvailable is True, the certificate may be used for authentication purposes (e.g., server authentication).

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The name of the PrivateKey container for the certificate (if available). This functionality is available only on Windows platforms.

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The public key of the certificate. The key is provided as PEM/Base64-encoded data.

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The textual description of the certificate's public key algorithm. The property contains either the name of the algorithm (e.g., "RSA" or "RSA_DH") or an object identifier (OID) string representing the algorithm.

int (read-only)
Default Value: 0

The length of the certificate's public key (in bits). Common values are 512, 1024, and 2048.

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The serial number of the certificate encoded as a string. The number is encoded as a series of hexadecimal digits, with each pair representing a byte of the serial number.

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The text description of the certificate's signature algorithm. The property contains either the name of the algorithm (e.g., "RSA" or "RSA_MD5RSA") or an object identifier (OID) string representing the algorithm.

Default Value: "MY"

The name of the certificate store for the client certificate.

The StoreType field denotes the type of the certificate store specified by Store. If the store is password-protected, specify the password in StorePassword.

Store is used in conjunction with the Subject field to specify client certificates. If Store has a value, and Subject or Encoded is set, a search for a certificate is initiated. Please see the Subject field for details.

Designations of certificate stores are platform dependent.

The following designations are the most common User and Machine certificate stores in Windows:

MYA certificate store holding personal certificates with their associated private keys.
CACertifying authority certificates.
ROOTRoot certificates.

In Java, the certificate store normally is a file containing certificates and optional private keys.

When the certificate store type is cstPFXFile, this property must be set to the name of the file. When the type is cstPFXBlob, the property must be set to the binary contents of a PFX file (i.e., PKCS#12 certificate store).

Default Value: "MY"

The name of the certificate store for the client certificate.

The StoreType field denotes the type of the certificate store specified by Store. If the store is password-protected, specify the password in StorePassword.

Store is used in conjunction with the Subject field to specify client certificates. If Store has a value, and Subject or Encoded is set, a search for a certificate is initiated. Please see the Subject field for details.

Designations of certificate stores are platform dependent.

The following designations are the most common User and Machine certificate stores in Windows:

MYA certificate store holding personal certificates with their associated private keys.
CACertifying authority certificates.
ROOTRoot certificates.

In Java, the certificate store normally is a file containing certificates and optional private keys.

When the certificate store type is cstPFXFile, this property must be set to the name of the file. When the type is cstPFXBlob, the property must be set to the binary contents of a PFX file (i.e., PKCS#12 certificate store).

Default Value: ""

If the type of certificate store requires a password, this field is used to specify the password needed to open the certificate store.

Default Value: 0

The type of certificate store for this certificate.

The class supports both public and private keys in a variety of formats. When the cstAuto value is used, the class will automatically determine the type. This field can take one of the following values:

0 (cstUser - default)For Windows, this specifies that the certificate store is a certificate store owned by the current user.

Note: This store type is not available in Java.

1 (cstMachine)For Windows, this specifies that the certificate store is a machine store.

Note: This store type is not available in Java.

2 (cstPFXFile)The certificate store is the name of a PFX (PKCS#12) file containing certificates.
3 (cstPFXBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) representing a certificate store in PFX (PKCS#12) format.
4 (cstJKSFile)The certificate store is the name of a Java Key Store (JKS) file containing certificates.

Note: This store type is only available in Java.

5 (cstJKSBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) representing a certificate store in Java Key Store (JKS) format.

Note: This store type is only available in Java.

6 (cstPEMKeyFile)The certificate store is the name of a PEM-encoded file that contains a private key and an optional certificate.
7 (cstPEMKeyBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) that contains a private key and an optional certificate.
8 (cstPublicKeyFile)The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a PEM- or DER-encoded public key certificate.
9 (cstPublicKeyBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) that contains a PEM- or DER-encoded public key certificate.
10 (cstSSHPublicKeyBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) that contains an SSH-style public key.
11 (cstP7BFile)The certificate store is the name of a PKCS#7 file containing certificates.
12 (cstP7BBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary) representing a certificate store in PKCS#7 format.
13 (cstSSHPublicKeyFile)The certificate store is the name of a file that contains an SSH-style public key.
14 (cstPPKFile)The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a PPK (PuTTY Private Key).
15 (cstPPKBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary) that contains a PPK (PuTTY Private Key).
16 (cstXMLFile)The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a certificate in XML format.
17 (cstXMLBlob)The certificate store is a string that contains a certificate in XML format.
18 (cstJWKFile)The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a JWK (JSON Web Key).
19 (cstJWKBlob)The certificate store is a string that contains a JWK (JSON Web Key).
21 (cstBCFKSFile)The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a BCFKS (Bouncy Castle FIPS Key Store).

Note: This store type is only available in Java and .NET.

22 (cstBCFKSBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) representing a certificate store in BCFKS (Bouncy Castle FIPS Key Store) format.

Note: This store type is only available in Java and .NET.

23 (cstPKCS11)The certificate is present on a physical security key accessible via a PKCS#11 interface.

To use a security key, the necessary data must first be collected using the CertMgr class. The ListStoreCertificates method may be called after setting CertStoreType to cstPKCS11, CertStorePassword to the PIN, and CertStore to the full path of the PKCS#11 DLL. The certificate information returned in the CertList event's CertEncoded parameter may be saved for later use.

When using a certificate, pass the previously saved security key information as the Store and set StorePassword to the PIN.

Code Example. SSH Authentication with Security Key:

certmgr.CertStoreType = CertStoreTypes.cstPKCS11; certmgr.OnCertList += (s, e) => { secKeyBlob = e.CertEncoded; }; certmgr.CertStore = @"C:\Program Files\OpenSC Project\OpenSC\pkcs11\opensc-pkcs11.dll"; certmgr.CertStorePassword = "123456"; //PIN certmgr.ListStoreCertificates(); sftp.SSHCert = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstPKCS11, secKeyBlob, "123456", "*"); sftp.SSHUser = "test"; sftp.SSHLogon("myhost", 22);

99 (cstAuto)The store type is automatically detected from the input data. This setting may be used with both public and private keys and can detect any of the supported formats automatically.

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

Comma-separated lists of alternative subject names for the certificate.

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The MD5 hash of the certificate. It is primarily used for X.509 certificates. If the hash does not already exist, it is automatically computed.

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The SHA-1 hash of the certificate. It is primarily used for X.509 certificates. If the hash does not already exist, it is automatically computed.

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The SHA-256 hash of the certificate. It is primarily used for X.509 certificates. If the hash does not already exist, it is automatically computed.

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The text description of UsageFlags.

This value will be one or more of the following strings and will be separated by commas:

  • Digital Signature
  • Non-Repudiation
  • Key Encipherment
  • Data Encipherment
  • Key Agreement
  • Certificate Signing
  • CRL Signing
  • Encipher Only

If the provider is OpenSSL, the value is a comma-separated list of X.509 certificate extension names.

int (read-only)
Default Value: 0

The flags that show intended use for the certificate. The value of UsageFlags is a combination of the following flags:

0x80Digital Signature
0x20Key Encipherment
0x10Data Encipherment
0x08Key Agreement
0x04Certificate Signing
0x02CRL Signing
0x01Encipher Only

Please see the Usage field for a text representation of UsageFlags.

This functionality currently is not available when the provider is OpenSSL.

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The certificate's version number. The possible values are the strings "V1", "V2", and "V3".

Default Value: ""

The subject of the certificate used for client authentication.

This field will be populated with the full subject of the loaded certificate. When loading a certificate, the subject is used to locate the certificate in the store.

If an exact match is not found, the store is searched for subjects containing the value of the property.

If a match is still not found, the property is set to an empty string, and no certificate is selected.

The special value "*" picks a random certificate in the certificate store.

The certificate subject is a comma-separated list of distinguished name fields and values. For instance, "CN=www.server.com, OU=test, C=US, E=example@email.com". Common fields and their meanings are as follows:

CNCommon Name. This is commonly a hostname like www.server.com.
OUOrganizational Unit
EEmail Address

If a field value contains a comma, it must be quoted.

Default Value: ""

The certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded). This field is used to assign a specific certificate. The Store and Subject fields also may be used to specify a certificate.

When Encoded is set, a search is initiated in the current Store for the private key of the certificate. If the key is found, Subject is updated to reflect the full subject of the selected certificate; otherwise, Subject is set to an empty string.

Default Value: ""

The certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded). This field is used to assign a specific certificate. The Store and Subject fields also may be used to specify a certificate.

When Encoded is set, a search is initiated in the current Store for the private key of the certificate. If the key is found, Subject is updated to reflect the full subject of the selected certificate; otherwise, Subject is set to an empty string.


public Certificate();

Creates a instance whose properties can be set.

public Certificate( certificateFile);

Opens CertificateFile and reads out the contents as an X.509 public key.

public Certificate( encoded);

Parses Encoded as an X.509 public key.

public Certificate( storeType,  store,  storePassword,  subject);

StoreType identifies the type of certificate store to use. See for descriptions of the different certificate stores. Store is a file containing the certificate store. StorePassword is the password used to protect the store.

After the store has been successfully opened, the class will attempt to find the certificate identified by Subject . This can be either a complete or a substring match of the X.509 certificate's subject Distinguished Name (DN). The Subject parameter can also take an MD5, SHA-1, or SHA-256 thumbprint of the certificate to load in a "Thumbprint=value" format.

public Certificate( storeType,  store,  storePassword,  subject,  configurationString);

StoreType identifies the type of certificate store to use. See for descriptions of the different certificate stores. Store is a file containing the certificate store. StorePassword is the password used to protect the store.

ConfigurationString is a newline-separated list of name-value pairs that may be used to modify the default behavior. Possible values include "PersistPFXKey", which shows whether or not the PFX key is persisted after performing operations with the private key. This correlates to the PKCS12_NO_PERSIST_KEY CryptoAPI option. The default value is True (the key is persisted). "Thumbprint" - an MD5, SHA-1, or SHA-256 thumbprint of the certificate to load. When specified, this value is used to select the certificate in the store. This is applicable to the cstUser , cstMachine , cstPublicKeyFile , and cstPFXFile store types. "UseInternalSecurityAPI" shows whether the platform (default) or the internal security API is used when performing certificate-related operations.

After the store has been successfully opened, the class will attempt to find the certificate identified by Subject . This can be either a complete or a substring match of the X.509 certificate's subject Distinguished Name (DN). The Subject parameter can also take an MD5, SHA-1, or SHA-256 thumbprint of the certificate to load in a "Thumbprint=value" format.

public Certificate( storeType,  store,  storePassword,  encoded);

StoreType identifies the type of certificate store to use. See for descriptions of the different certificate stores. Store is a file containing the certificate store. StorePassword is the password used to protect the store.

After the store has been successfully opened, the class will load Encoded as an X.509 certificate and search the opened store for a corresponding private key.

public Certificate( storeType,  store,  storePassword,  subject);

StoreType identifies the type of certificate store to use. See for descriptions of the different certificate stores. Store is a byte array containing the certificate data. StorePassword is the password used to protect the store.

After the store has been successfully opened, the class will attempt to find the certificate identified by Subject . This can be either a complete or a substring match of the X.509 certificate's subject Distinguished Name (DN). The Subject parameter can also take an MD5, SHA-1, or SHA-256 thumbprint of the certificate to load in a "Thumbprint=value" format.

public Certificate( storeType,  store,  storePassword,  subject,  configurationString);

StoreType identifies the type of certificate store to use. See for descriptions of the different certificate stores. Store is a byte array containing the certificate data. StorePassword is the password used to protect the store.

After the store has been successfully opened, the class will attempt to find the certificate identified by Subject . This can be either a complete or a substring match of the X.509 certificate's subject Distinguished Name (DN). The Subject parameter can also take an MD5, SHA-1, or SHA-256 thumbprint of the certificate to load in a "Thumbprint=value" format.

public Certificate( storeType,  store,  storePassword,  encoded);

StoreType identifies the type of certificate store to use. See for descriptions of the different certificate stores. Store is a byte array containing the certificate data. StorePassword is the password used to protect the store.

After the store has been successfully opened, the class will load Encoded as an X.509 certificate and search the opened store for a corresponding private key.

PDFField Type

This type represents a single form field.


PDFField objects provide access to the properties of an individual field object.

The following fields are available:


Default Value: ""

The JavaScript action assigned to the button field. This action will be executed if the button is pressed.

Default Value: ""

The alternate field name. This optional property contains a friendly name of the field, used when referring to the field in the user interface.

Default Value: ""

The caption of the button field.

Default Value: ""

The default value of the form field.

Default Value: ""

The local name of the field. This is normally a simple text string such as mybutton. See also FullName.

int (read-only)
Default Value: 0

The type of the field.

Possible values are:

  • Undefined (0)
  • PushButton (1)
  • CheckBox (2)
  • RadioGroup (3)
  • RadioButton (4)
  • Text (5)
  • ListBox (6)
  • ComboBox (7)
  • Signature (8)

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The full name of the field.

This is a concatenation of the local names of the subhierarchy of non-terminal fields leading from the root field to the current field, ending with the local name of the current field. For example, buttons.ctlbuttons.mybutton. See also FieldName.

Default Value: "0"

The displayed height of the field in points. Both integer and decimal values are supported.

Default Value: 0

The maximum length of data that the text box can accept.

Default Value: "0"

The displayed offset of the field from the left-hand page border in points. Both integer and decimal values are supported.

Default Value: "0"

The displayed offset of the field from the bottom page border in points. Both integer and decimal values are supported.

Default Value: ""

The set of options offered by a combo box or list box field.

The options are returned as a multi-line string, with each string representing an individual choice. The data reported or accepted by this property depends on the value of the OptionsFormat configuration setting.

int (read-only)
Default Value: -1

The page index containing the field.

boolean (read-only)
Default Value: True

Whether the field is terminal, meaning it is represented by a leaf entry in the field tree.

Only terminal fields can carry data and be filled in or submitted. Any non-terminal (intermediate) fields are only used to define shared properties of a selection of descendant fields, terminal or non-terminal in their own right.

Default Value: ""

The export value associated with the field. This contains the data that is the value of the field from the processor's standpoint.

Default Value: False

Whether the field is visible or hidden.

Default Value: "0"

The displayed width of the field in points. Both integer and decimal values are supported.


public PDFField();

PDFFont Type

The font used in a PDF document.


This type contains details about the font being applied to form fields.

The following fields are available:


String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The color of the current font in hexadecimal format.

String (read-only)
Default Value: "Helvetica"

The name of the current font.

String (read-only)
Default Value: "12"

The size of the current font in points.

String (read-only)
Default Value: ""

The style of the current font.


public PDFFont();

PDFPagePosition Type

The position within a PDF document.


This type contains information about the current position on a page.

The following fields are available:


int (read-only)
Default Value: 0

The index of the current page in the PDF document.

String (read-only)
Default Value: "0"

The X coordinate of the current position on the page.

String (read-only)
Default Value: "0"

The Y coordinate of the current position on the page.


public PDFPagePosition();

Config Settings (PDFForm Class)

The class accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.

PDFForm Config Settings

AutoTurnPages:   Whether to change the page automatically upon exceeding the upper or lower page boundary.

This setting specifies whether the class will turn the page automatically. If set to true, the class will automatically progress to the next or previous page upon reaching a page boundary while adding new elements or changing the page position. If set to false, any new elements will be added to the current page, even if they are outside of the visible page region. The default value is true.

CloseInputStreamAfterProcessing:   Whether to close the input stream after processing.

This setting determines whether the input stream specified in SetInputStream will be closed after processing is complete. The default value is true.

CloseOutputStreamAfterProcessing:   Whether to close the output stream after processing.

This setting determines whether the output stream specified in SetOutputStream will be closed after processing is complete. The default value is true.

FontPaths:   The font search paths.

This setting specifies a CRLF-separated list of paths where the class will search for additional TrueType font files. The default value is the system font search paths.

KeepPositionOnInsert:   Whether to keep the current position after inserting an element.

This setting specifies whether the class will keep the current position at the set value after inserting an element. In the default configuration, insertion of a new element, such as a text block, moves the page position marker to the right of the newly inserted element. If set to true, the class will keep the position marker at its original location after adding the element. The default value is false.

ListboxFlatten:   The flattening mode for list box fields.

This setting specifies the approach the class will use when flattening list box fields. Possible values are:

Default Keep the existing appearance of the object. This may cause some items further down the list to become hidden from view.
ValueOnly Print only the selected value of the list box.
Full Print all the items in the list box. This may cause the printed list box to take up more space than the original due to expansion of scrollbars.
LogLevel:   The level of detail that is logged.

This setting controls the level of detail that is logged through the Log event. Possible values are:

0 (None) No messages are logged.
1 (Info - default) Informational events such as the basics of the chain validation procedure are logged.
2 (Verbose) Detailed data such as HTTP requests are logged.
3 (Debug) Debug data including the full chain validation procedure are logged.
OptionsFormat:   The format of the options in a combo box or list box field.

This setting specifies the format of the Options in a combo box or list box field. Possible values are:

Default Maps to NamesOnly.
NamesOnly Each line of the multi-line string contains the name of the element (e.g., Red\r\nGreen\r\nBlue).
ValuesOnly Each line of the multi-line string contains the export value of the element (e.g., 1\r\n2\r\n3).
NamesAndValues Each line of the multi-line string contains the name and export value of the element, separated with the | character (e.g., Red|1\r\nGreen|2\r\nBlue|3).
NamesAndValues,X Each line of the multi-line string contains the name and export value of the element, separated with the X string (e.g., Red==1\r\nGreen==2\r\nBlue==3 if set to NamesAndValues,==).
OwnerPassword:   The owner password to decrypt the document with.

This setting is used to provide the document owner password for decryption. Though it may be different from Password, most implementations use the same value for both.

RightPadding:   The width of the whitespace gap to the right of newly added elements.

This setting specifies the width, in points, of the empty space that is allowed to the right of newly added elements. Using a non-zero value for this setting allows multiple text blocks and other elements to be placed next to each other without sticking them together. This setting is ignored if KeepPositionOnInsert is set to true. The default value is 5.

SaveChanges:   Whether to save changes made to the PDF document.

This setting specifies whether and how changes made to the PDF document will be saved when the Close method is called. Possible values are:

0 Discard all changes.
1 Save the document to OutputFile, OutputData, or the stream set in SetOutputStream, even if it has not been modified.
2 (default) Save the document to OutputFile, OutputData, or the stream set in SetOutputStream, but only if it has been modified.
SystemFontNames:   The system font names.

This setting returns a CRLF-separated list of system TrueType font names that are supported by the class. This setting is read-only.

TempPath:   The location where temporary files are stored.

This setting specifies an absolute path to the location on disk where temporary files are stored. It can be useful to reduce memory usage.

Base Config Settings

BuildInfo:   Information about the product's build.

When queried, this setting will return a string containing information about the product's build.

GUIAvailable:   Whether or not a message loop is available for processing events.

In a GUI-based application, long-running blocking operations may cause the application to stop responding to input until the operation returns. The class will attempt to discover whether or not the application has a message loop and, if one is discovered, it will process events in that message loop during any such blocking operation.

In some non-GUI applications, an invalid message loop may be discovered that will result in errant behavior. In these cases, setting GUIAvailable to false will ensure that the class does not attempt to process external events.

LicenseInfo:   Information about the current license.

When queried, this setting will return a string containing information about the license this instance of a class is using. It will return the following information:

  • Product: The product the license is for.
  • Product Key: The key the license was generated from.
  • License Source: Where the license was found (e.g., RuntimeLicense, License File).
  • License Type: The type of license installed (e.g., Royalty Free, Single Server).
  • Last Valid Build: The last valid build number for which the license will work.
MaskSensitiveData:   Whether sensitive data is masked in log messages.

In certain circumstances it may be beneficial to mask sensitive data, like passwords, in log messages. Set this to true to mask sensitive data. The default is true.

This setting only works on these classes: AS3Receiver, AS3Sender, Atom, Client(3DS), FTP, FTPServer, IMAP, OFTPClient, SSHClient, SCP, Server(3DS), Sexec, SFTP, SFTPServer, SSHServer, TCPClient, TCPServer.

UseDaemonThreads:   Whether threads created by the class are daemon threads.

If set to True (default), when the class creates a thread, the thread's Daemon property will be explicitly set to True. When set to False, the class will not set the Daemon property on the created thread. The default value is True.

UseInternalSecurityAPI:   Whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

When set to false, the class will use the system security libraries by default to perform cryptographic functions where applicable.

Setting this configuration setting to true tells the class to use the internal implementation instead of using the system security libraries.

This setting is set to false by default on all platforms.

Trappable Errors (PDFForm Class)

PDFForm Errors

1202   Invalid field type.
1203   Page or field index is out of bounds.
1206   Invalid parent label.
1207   Cannot remove non-terminal field.
1209   Invalid PDF structure.

PDF Errors

804   PDF decompression failed.
805   Cannot add entry to cross-reference table.
806   Unsupported field size.
807   Unsupported Encoding filter.
808   Unsupported predictor algorithm.
809   Unsupported document version.
812   Cannot read PDF file stream.
813   Cannot write to PDF file stream.
814   OutputFile already exists and Overwrite is false.
815   Invalid parameter.
817   Bad cross-reference entry.
818   Invalid object or generation number.
819   Invalid object stream.
820   Invalid stream dictionary.
821   Invalid AcroForm entry.
822   Invalid Root entry.
823   Invalid annotation.
824   The input document is empty.
826   OpenType font error. The error description contains the detailed message.
828   Invalid CMS data. The error description contains the detailed message.
835   Cannot change decryption mode for opened document.
836   Unsupported Date string.
838   Cryptographic error. The error description contains the detailed message.
840   DecryptionCert error. The error description contains the detailed message.
841   Encryption failed. The error description contains the detailed message.
842   No proper certificate for encryption found.
846   Unsupported revision.
847   Unsupported security handler SubFilter.
848   Failed to verify permissions.
849   Invalid password.
850   Invalid password information.
852   Unsupported encryption algorithm.
859   Cannot encrypt encrypted document.
864   Cannot modify document after signature update.
868   Cannot encrypt or decrypt object.
869   Invalid security handler information.
870   Invalid encrypted data.
871   Invalid block cipher padding.
872   Failed to reload signature.
873   Object is not encrypted.
874   Unexpected cipher information.
877   Invalid document. Bad document catalog.
878   Invalid document Id.
880   Invalid document. Invalid requirements dictionary.
881   Invalid linearization dictionary.
882   Invalid signature information.
883   Unsupported document format.
890   Unsupported feature.
891   Internal error. The error description contains the detailed message.

Parsing Errors

1001   Bad object.
1002   Bad document trailer.
1003   Illegal stream dictionary.
1004   Illegal string.
1005   Indirect object expected.
1007   Invalid reference.
1008   Invalid reference table.
1009   Invalid stream data.
1010   Unexpected character.
1011   Unexpected EOF.
1012   Unexpected indirect object in cross-reference table.
1021   Invalid type in Root object list.