IP*Works! Auth V9 - Online Help
IP*Works! Auth V9
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SSHCustomAuth Event

Fired when the component is doing custom authentication.


type TSSHCustomAuthEvent = procedure SSHCustomAuth(Sender: TObject;var Packet: String) of object;
property OnSSHCustomAuth: TSSHCustomAuthEvent read FOnSSHCustomAuth write FOnSSHCustomAuth;


SSHCustomAuth is fired during the user authentication stage of the SSH logon process if SSHAuthMode is set to amCustom. Packet contains the raw last SSH packet sent by the server, in HEX-encoded format.

The client should create a new raw SSH packet to send to the server and set Packet to the HEX-encoded representation of the packet to send.

In all cases, Packet will start with the message type field.

To read the incoming packet call DecodePacket and then use the GetSSHParam and GetSSHParamBytes methods. To create a packet use the SetSSHParam method and then call EncodePacket to obtain a HEX-encoded value and assign this to the Packet parameter.

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