Indexer Class

Properties   Methods   Events   Config Settings   Errors  

The Indexer class enables the creation and modification of search indexes.




The Indexer class provides a simple way to create and manage Lucene 4.8 search indexes. The class is able to perform indexing operations such as adding, updating, and deleting index documents. It supports indexing operations with a wide variety of analyzers to allow for flexible control over the indexing process.

Preparing the Index

The first step in using the class is to initialize and prepare the search index for modifications. Set the IndexPath property to specify the location of the search index. This path can point to an existing index, or a new directory where the index will be stored. Once the property is set, call the OpenIndex method to load the index.

If IndexPath does not point to a pre-existing search index, the class will create a new one at the specified location before loading it. component.IndexPath = "PATH\\TO\\INDEX"; // Specify the path to the search index component.OpenIndex(); // Load the index

It is important to note that the OpenIndex method will load a snapshot of the index at the time it was opened. Any external changes made to the index afterwards will not be visible to the class until the method is called again. OpenIndex can be called multiple times to reload the index and reflect its latest changes in indexing operations.

Creating Documents

Documents in the index are composed of fields that are managed through the Fields collection. Fields can be added to this collection via the AddDocumentField method. string name = "title"; // The identifier of the field bool store = true; // Determines if the field's contents should be stored in the index int type = (int)TFieldTypes.ftText; // The type of data the field contains string text = "Sample document field"; // The text content of the field int analyzerType = (int)TSearchIndexAnalyzerTypes.atStandard; // Controls the text processing performed on the field's text content component.AddDocumentField(name, store, type, text, analyzerType); // Add the field to the DocumentFields collection After populating the collection with the desired fields, the IndexDocument method can be called to create a new document from these fields and add it to the search index. // Add two fields component.AddDocumentField("field1", true, (int)TFieldTypes.ftText, "Sample content for field 1", (int)TSearchIndexAnalyzerTypes); component.AddDocumentField("field2", true, (int)TFieldTypes.ftText, "Sample content for field 2", (int)TSearchIndexAnalyzerTypes); component.IndexDocument(); // Add a document with these fields to the search index

Deleting Documents

Documents that contain a specific field can be deleted from the index via the Delete method. // Deletes every document with a field that has a name of "field1" and a value of "Sample content for field 1" component.Delete("field1", "Sample content for field 1");

To delete all of the documents from the search index, call the DeleteAll method. // Delete all of the documents from the index component.DeleteAll();

Saving the Index

After modifying the index, call the CloseIndex method to commit the changes that were made and save them to the disk. component.CloseIndex();

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AnalyzerThe global analyzer for the search index.
FieldsA collection of document fields for updating and creating documents.
IndexPathThe path to the search index.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AddDocumentFieldCreates a document field.
CloseIndexCommits and saves the changes made to the search index.
ConfigSets or retrieves a configuration setting.
DeleteDeletes documents from the search index.
DeleteAllDeletes all of the documents from the search index.
IndexDocumentCreates a new document and adds it to the search index.
OpenIndexOpens an existing search index or creates a new one.
ResetResets the class.
UpdateUpdates documents in the search index.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ErrorFires to provide information about errors during indexing.
LogThis event fires once for each log message.

Config Settings

The following is a list of config settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

LogLevelThe level of detail that is logged through the Log event.
RAMBufferSizeThe maximum amount of memory that can be used for caching index changes.
UseCompoundFileWhether or not to store index files in the Lucene Compound File Format.
BuildInfoInformation about the product's build.
GUIAvailableWhether or not a message loop is available for processing events.
LicenseInfoInformation about the current license.
MaskSensitiveDataWhether sensitive data is masked in log messages.
UseDaemonThreadsWhether threads created by the class are daemon threads.
UseFIPSCompliantAPITells the class whether or not to use FIPS certified APIs.
UseInternalSecurityAPIWhether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

Analyzer Property (Indexer Class)

The global analyzer for the search index.


public int getAnalyzer();

public void setAnalyzer(int analyzer);

Enumerated values:
  public final static int atStandard = 1;
  public final static int atStop = 2;
  public final static int atWhitespace = 3;
  public final static int atSimple = 4;
  public final static int atEmail = 5;

Default Value



Specifies the global analyzer for the document fields in the search index. Individual document fields may specify their own local analyzer types to override this global one. Please refer to the AnalyzerType field of the DocumentField type for more details.

Possible values are:

0 (atNone) Does not correspond to any analyzer.
1 (atStandard)The most commonly used analyzer. Breaks down text into tokens based on the Unicode Text Segmentation algorithm, as specified in Unicode Standard Annex #29. Removes stop words and changes all letters to lowercase. Does not recognize URLs or emails. For example, the text This is a SAMPLE sentence. 1234 will be broken down into the following list of tokens: sample, sentence, support,, https,, 1234.
2 (atStop) The same as atSimple, but this analyzer removes stop words. For example, the text This is a SAMPLE sentence. 1234 will be broken down into the following list of tokens: sample, sentence, support, nsoftware, com, https, www, nsoftware, com.
3 (atWhitespace) Breaks down text into tokens whenever it encounters a whitespace character without applying any further processing to the input text. For example, the text This is a SAMPLE sentence. 1234 will be broken down into the following list of tokens: This, is, a, SAMPLE, sentence.,,, 1234.
4 (atSimple) Breaks down text into tokens based on anything that is not a letter. This analyzer completely discards non-letter characters and changes all letters to lowercase. For example, the text This is a SAMPLE sentence. 1234 will be broken down into the following list of tokens: this, is, a, sample, sentence, support, nsoftware, com, https, www, nsoftware, com.
5 (atEmail) The same as atStandard, but this analyzer recognizes URLs and emails. For example, the text This is a SAMPLE sentence. 1234 will be broken down into the following list of tokens: sample, sentence,,, 1234.

Analyzers and Tokenization

Before text is stored in a search index, it goes through an analyzer that breaks the text down into smaller, searchable parts known as tokens. The rules that determine how text is broken down into distinct tokens are defined by the analyzer type.

The way tokens are created directly affects the precision and relevance of search results. For example, if an analyzer does not break down the terms "WORD" and "word" as the same value, searches for one may not bring up results for the other.

Stop Words

Words that are omitted from text processing because of their lack of significant meaning are known as stop words. When the analyzer type is set to atStandard, atStop, or atEmail, stop words will be completely ignored by the analyzer in to improve search performance and relevance.

The full list of stop words that are ignored by these analyzers can be found below:

a, an, and, are, as, at, be, but, by, for, if, in, into, is, it, no, not, of, on,
or, such, that, the, their, then, there, these, they, this, to, was, will, with

This property is not available at design time.

Fields Property (Indexer Class)

A collection of document fields for updating and creating documents.


public FieldList getFields();

public void setFields(FieldList fields);


Contains a list of document fields that make up the document that gets added to the search index when calling IndexDocument or Update. A document field can be added by accessing this property directly, or by calling the AddDocumentField method.

This property is not available at design time.

Please refer to the Field type for a complete list of fields.

IndexPath Property (Indexer Class)

The path to the search index.


public String getIndexPath();

public void setIndexPath(String indexPath);

Default Value



The filesystem path to the search index. This property must be specified before calling the OpenIndex method.

This value can either be a path to a pre-existing search index in the Lucene 4.8 index format, or a path to a directory where the index will be stored.

Loading or Creating a Search Index

If IndexPath points to a pre-existing search index, it will be loaded by the class when OpenIndex is called. Otherwise, a call to OpenIndex will cause the class to create a new search index and store it in the specified directory.

If the specified directory does not exist, the class will attempt to create a new one at the specified location before creating the search index.

Example: component.IndexPath = "PATH\\TO\\INDEX"; // Specify the path to the search index component.OpenIndex(); // Load the index // ... Perform operations on the index ... component.CloseIndex();

Relative and Absolute Paths

If the path value begins with a / or a drive letter such as D:/, it is considered an absolute path. The class will interpet any other value as a relative path to resolve in relation to the current directory.

This property is not available at design time.

AddDocumentField Method (Indexer Class)

Creates a document field.


public void addDocumentField(String name, boolean store, int type, String value, int analyzerType);


Creates a document field and adds it to the Fields collection.

Name specifies the name of the document field. This value acts as an identifier for the field and does not have to be unique.

Store determines if the field Text value will be stored in the index. Fields that are not stored in the index can be searched, but their full text contents will not be retrievable in search results. This value is only applicable when the field Type is set to ftText.

Type indicates the type of field that will be created. Its value determines how the field is indexed. Possible values are:

0 (ftText) Contains text that needs to be tokenized. This is most commonly used for storing human-readable text, such as bodies of text and article titles. When this field is stored to the index, its Text value will be broken down and processed depending on the rules defined by the Analyzer.
1 (ftString) Contains text that does not need to be tokenized. The field Text will be treated as a single term. This field type is often used for identifiers, usernames, or text that should only be retrieved by specifying its exact value in a search query.
2 (ftInt32) Contains a 32-bit integer value. Fields of this type can only be searched with numeric range queries.
3 (ftInt64) A field that contains 64-bit integer value. Fields of this type can only be searched with numeric range queries.
4 (ftFloat) A field that contains a single-precision floating-point number. Fields of this type can only be searched with numeric range queries.
5 (ftDouble)A field that contains a double-precision floating-point number. Fields of this type can only be searched with numeric range queries.

Text specifies the text contents of the field.

AnalyzerType specifies the analyzer for the field. This value determines how the field Text is analyzed and broken down into tokens when it is indexed. This parameter is only applicable when the field Type is set to ftText. Otherwise, this parameter is ignored.

Possible values are:

0 (atNone) Does not correspond to any analyzer.
1 (atStandard)The most commonly used analyzer. Breaks down text into tokens based on the Unicode Text Segmentation algorithm, as specified in Unicode Standard Annex #29. Removes stop words and changes all letters to lowercase. Does not recognize URLs or emails. For example, the text This is a SAMPLE sentence. 1234 will be broken down into the following list of tokens: sample, sentence, support,, https,, 1234.
2 (atStop) The same as atSimple, but this analyzer removes stop words. For example, the text This is a SAMPLE sentence. 1234 will be broken down into the following list of tokens: sample, sentence, support, nsoftware, com, https, www, nsoftware, com.
3 (atWhitespace) Breaks down text into tokens whenever it encounters a whitespace character without applying any further processing to the input text. For example, the text This is a SAMPLE sentence. 1234 will be broken down into the following list of tokens: This, is, a, SAMPLE, sentence.,,, 1234.
4 (atSimple) Breaks down text into tokens based on anything that is not a letter. This analyzer completely discards non-letter characters and changes all letters to lowercase. For example, the text This is a SAMPLE sentence. 1234 will be broken down into the following list of tokens: this, is, a, sample, sentence, support, nsoftware, com, https, www, nsoftware, com.
5 (atEmail) The same as atStandard, but this analyzer recognizes URLs and emails. For example, the text This is a SAMPLE sentence. 1234 will be broken down into the following list of tokens: sample, sentence,,, 1234.

Analyzers and Tokenization

Before text is stored in a search index, it goes through an analyzer that breaks the text down into smaller, searchable parts known as tokens. The rules that determine how text is broken down into distinct tokens are defined by the analyzer type.

The way tokens are created directly affects the precision and relevance of search results. For example, if an analyzer does not break down the terms "WORD" and "word" as the same value, searches for one may not bring up results for the other.

Example (Create a new document with a single field): // text field component.AddDocumentField("company", true, (int)TFieldTypes.ftText, "nsoftware", (int)SearchIndexAnalyzerTypes.atStandard); // create a new document from the added fields and add it to the index component.IndexDocument();

Example (Create a new document with multiple fields): // text field component.AddDocumentField("author", true, (int)TFieldTypes.ftText, "Generic Design Patterns", (int)SearchIndexAnalyzerTypes.atStandard); // string field component.AddDocumentField("code", true, (int)TFieldTypes.ftString, "GDP2024", (int)SearchIndexAnalyzerTypes.atStandard); // int field component.AddDocumentField("edition", true, (int)TFieldTypes.ftInt32, "2", (int)SearchIndexAnalyzerTypes.atStandard); // create the document and add it to the index // the added document will be comprised of all of the fields in the DocumentFields collection component.IndexDocument();

CloseIndex Method (Indexer Class)

Commits and saves the changes made to the search index.


public void closeIndex();


Commits the changes made to the search index and saves them to the location specified by IndexPath.

Config Method (Indexer Class)

Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.


public String config(String configurationString);


Config is a generic method available in every class. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the class.

These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.

To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).

To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.

Delete Method (Indexer Class)

Deletes documents from the search index.


public void delete(String fieldName, String fieldValue);


Deletes documents that contain a specific field from the search index.

FieldName specifies the name of the field that will be used to determine the documents that will be deleted.

FieldValue specifies the exact text content of the field that will be used to determine the documents that will be deleted. A document must have a field with this exact value and the name specified in the FieldName parameter for it to be affected by this method.

Example: // Delete every document in the index that has a field named "content" with a value of "Sample data" component.Delete("content", "Sample data");

DeleteAll Method (Indexer Class)

Deletes all of the documents from the search index.


public void deleteAll();


Deletes all of the documents from the search index.

IndexDocument Method (Indexer Class)

Creates a new document and adds it to the search index.


public void indexDocument();


Creates a new document and adds it to the search index. Its document fields will be the same as the ones in the Fields collection when this method is called.

Example (Create a new document with a single field): // text field component.AddDocumentField("company", true, (int)TFieldTypes.ftText, "nsoftware", (int)SearchIndexAnalyzerTypes.atStandard); // create a new document from the added fields and add it to the index component.IndexDocument();

Example (Create a new document with multiple fields): // text field component.AddDocumentField("author", true, (int)TFieldTypes.ftText, "Generic Design Patterns", (int)SearchIndexAnalyzerTypes.atStandard); // string field component.AddDocumentField("code", true, (int)TFieldTypes.ftString, "GDP2024", (int)SearchIndexAnalyzerTypes.atStandard); // int field component.AddDocumentField("edition", true, (int)TFieldTypes.ftInt32, "2", (int)SearchIndexAnalyzerTypes.atStandard); // create the document and add it to the index // the added document will be comprised of all of the fields in the DocumentFields collection component.IndexDocument();

OpenIndex Method (Indexer Class)

Opens an existing search index or creates a new one.


public void openIndex();


Loads the search index located in IndexPath and prepares it for modifications. This method should be called at least once before making changes to the search index via IndexDocument, Delete, DeleteAll, or Update. To save the changes and close the index, call CloseIndex instead.

Loading or Creating a Search Index

If IndexPath points to a pre-existing search index, it will be loaded by the class when OpenIndex is called. Otherwise, a call to OpenIndex will cause the class to create a new search index and store it in the specified directory.

If the specified directory does not exist, the class will attempt to create a new one at the specified location before creating the search index.

Example: component.IndexPath = "PATH\\TO\\INDEX"; // Specify the path to the search index component.OpenIndex(); // Load the index // ... Perform operations on the index ... component.CloseIndex();

Index Updates

When this method is called, the component will load a snapshot of the index at the time it was opened. Any external changes made to the index afterwards will not be reflected in subsequent indexing operations until this method is called again.

This method can be called multiple times to reload the index and reflect its latest changes in indexing operations.


component.OpenIndex(); // Load the search index // ... Perform operations on the index ... component.OpenIndex(); // Reload the index to reflect any new updates

Reset Method (Indexer Class)

Resets the class.


public void reset();


Resets the class's properties to their default values.

Update Method (Indexer Class)

Updates documents in the search index.


public void update(String fieldName, String fieldValue);


Updates documents in the search index. When this method is called, every document in the index that contains the specified field will be deleted. Once deleted, a new document with the fields in the Fields collection will be created and added to the index to replace the deleted documents. This is effectively the same as calling Delete followed by IndexDocument.

FieldName specifies the name of the field that will be used to identify the documents that will be updated.

FieldValue specifies the exact text content of the field that will be used to identify the documents that will be updated. A document must have a field with this exact value and the name specified in the FieldName parameter for it to be affected by this method.

Example (Update a document that has incorrect fields) // Assuming the index has a document with a field named "data" // and a value of "incorrect data" // Add the fields we want for the updated document component.AddDocumentField("data", true, 1, "corrected data"); component.AddDocumentField("company", "nsoftware"); // Delete the incorrect docuement and replace it with the new one // // If the index contains multiple documents with this field, they // will all be deleted, but only one document will be created to // replace them component.Update("data", "incorrect data");

Error Event (Indexer Class)

Fires to provide information about errors during indexing.


public class DefaultIndexerEventListener implements IndexerEventListener {
  public void error(IndexerErrorEvent e) {}

public class IndexerErrorEvent {
  public int errorCode;
  public String description;


Fires in case of exceptional conditions during indexing. Normally, the class will raise an exception instead.

ErrorCode contains an error code and Description contains a textual description of the error. For a list of valid error codes and their descriptions, please refer to the Error Codes section.

Log Event (Indexer Class)

This event fires once for each log message.


public class DefaultIndexerEventListener implements IndexerEventListener {
  public void log(IndexerLogEvent e) {}

public class IndexerLogEvent {
  public int logLevel;
  public String message;
  public String logType;


This event fires once for each log message generated by the class. The verbosity is controlled by the LogLevel setting.

LogLevel indicates the level of detail of the log message. Possible values are:

0 (None - default) No events are logged.
1 (Info) Informational events are logged.
2 (Verbose) Detailed data are logged.
3 (Debug) Debug data are logged.

Message is the log entry.

LogType identifies the type of log entry.

Field Type

Holds information about a document field.


This is used to access the data associated with a single document field.

The following fields are available:


int (read-only)

Default Value: 0

The analyzer used to index this document field. This determines how the text content of the field is broken down and processed when added to the index.

This value is only applicable when Type is set to ftText. Otherwise, it is ignored.

Possible values are:

0 (atNone) Does not correspond to any analyzer.
1 (atStandard)The most commonly used analyzer. Breaks down text into tokens based on the Unicode Text Segmentation algorithm, as specified in Unicode Standard Annex #29. Removes stop words and changes all letters to lowercase. Does not recognize URLs or emails. For example, the text This is a SAMPLE sentence. 1234 will be broken down into the following list of tokens: sample, sentence, support,, https,, 1234.
2 (atStop) The same as atSimple, but this analyzer removes stop words. For example, the text This is a SAMPLE sentence. 1234 will be broken down into the following list of tokens: sample, sentence, support, nsoftware, com, https, www, nsoftware, com.
3 (atWhitespace) Breaks down text into tokens whenever it encounters a whitespace character without applying any further processing to the input text. For example, the text This is a SAMPLE sentence. 1234 will be broken down into the following list of tokens: This, is, a, SAMPLE, sentence.,,, 1234.
4 (atSimple) Breaks down text into tokens based on anything that is not a letter. This analyzer completely discards non-letter characters and changes all letters to lowercase. For example, the text This is a SAMPLE sentence. 1234 will be broken down into the following list of tokens: this, is, a, sample, sentence, support, nsoftware, com, https, www, nsoftware, com.
5 (atEmail) The same as atStandard, but this analyzer recognizes URLs and emails. For example, the text This is a SAMPLE sentence. 1234 will be broken down into the following list of tokens: sample, sentence,,, 1234.

If this value is set to atNone (default), the global analyzer type specified by the Analyzer property will be used to process the text content of the field. If both are set to atNone, the class will index the field without applying any processing to its text content.

String (read-only)

Default Value: ""

The path to a file that contains the text contents of the document field.

InputStream (read-only)

Default Value: ""

The stream that contains the text content of the document field. This is only applicable when Type is set to Text.

String (read-only)

Default Value: ""

The text content of the document field.

String (read-only)

Default Value: ""

The name of the document field. This is an identifier that does not have to be unique.

boolean (read-only)

Default Value: False

Determines if the text content of the field will be stored in the index when IndexDocument is called. Fields that are not stored in the index can be searched, but their full text contents will not be retrievable in search results.

This value is only applicable when the field Type is set to ftText. If InputStream or InputFile are used to specify the text contents of the field, this value must be set to false.

int (read-only)

Default Value: 0

The type of field. This value determines how the field is indexed. Possible values are:

0 (ftText) Contains text that needs to be tokenized. This is most commonly used for storing human-readable text, such as bodies of text and article titles. When this field is stored to the index, its Text value will be broken down and processed depending on the rules defined by the Analyzer.
1 (ftString) Contains text that does not need to be tokenized. The field Text will be treated as a single term. This field type is often used for identifiers, usernames, or text that should only be retrieved by specifying its exact value in a search query.
2 (ftInt32) Contains a 32-bit integer value. Fields of this type can only be searched with numeric range queries.
3 (ftInt64) A field that contains 64-bit integer value. Fields of this type can only be searched with numeric range queries.
4 (ftFloat) A field that contains a single-precision floating-point number. Fields of this type can only be searched with numeric range queries.
5 (ftDouble)A field that contains a double-precision floating-point number. Fields of this type can only be searched with numeric range queries.


public Field();
public Field( name,  store,  type,  inputFile,  inputText,  inputStream,  analyzerType);

Config Settings (Indexer Class)

The class accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.

Indexer Config Settings

LogLevel:   The level of detail that is logged through the Log event.

Controls the level of detail that is logged through the Log event. Possible values are:

0 (None - default) No events are logged.
1 (Info) Informational events are logged.
2 (Verbose) Detailed data are logged.
3 (Debug) Debug data are logged.

RAMBufferSize:   The maximum amount of memory that can be used for caching index changes.

Specifies the maximum amount of memory in megabytes that can be used for storing index changes before they are flushed to the disk.

When index changes are made, the class will cache these changes in memory before automatically flushing and writing them to the disk. If the amount of memory used is greater than the threshold specified by this setting, the changes will be automatically written to the disk to a non-searchable index segment.

Higher values will cause the class to flush cached changes at a less frequent rate, leading to better indexing performance at the cost of larger memory usage.

UseCompoundFile:   Whether or not to store index files in the Lucene Compound File Format.

Setting this to true will result in a smaller index size at the cost of slower indexing performance. By default, its value is false.

Base Config Settings

BuildInfo:   Information about the product's build.

When queried, this setting will return a string containing information about the product's build.

GUIAvailable:   Whether or not a message loop is available for processing events.

In a GUI-based application, long-running blocking operations may cause the application to stop responding to input until the operation returns. The class will attempt to discover whether or not the application has a message loop and, if one is discovered, it will process events in that message loop during any such blocking operation.

In some non-GUI applications, an invalid message loop may be discovered that will result in errant behavior. In these cases, setting GUIAvailable to false will ensure that the class does not attempt to process external events.

LicenseInfo:   Information about the current license.

When queried, this setting will return a string containing information about the license this instance of a class is using. It will return the following information:

  • Product: The product the license is for.
  • Product Key: The key the license was generated from.
  • License Source: Where the license was found (e.g., RuntimeLicense, License File).
  • License Type: The type of license installed (e.g., Royalty Free, Single Server).
  • Last Valid Build: The last valid build number for which the license will work.
MaskSensitiveData:   Whether sensitive data is masked in log messages.

In certain circumstances it may be beneficial to mask sensitive data, like passwords, in log messages. Set this to true to mask sensitive data. The default is true.

This setting only works on these classes: AS3Receiver, AS3Sender, Atom, Client(3DS), FTP, FTPServer, IMAP, OFTPClient, SSHClient, SCP, Server(3DS), Sexec, SFTP, SFTPServer, SSHServer, TCPClient, TCPServer.

UseDaemonThreads:   Whether threads created by the class are daemon threads.

If set to True (default), when the class creates a thread, the thread's Daemon property will be explicitly set to True. When set to False, the class will not set the Daemon property on the created thread. The default value is True.

UseFIPSCompliantAPI:   Tells the class whether or not to use FIPS certified APIs.

When set to true, the class will utilize the underlying operating system's certified APIs. Java editions, regardless of OS, utilize Bouncy Castle Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), while all other Windows editions make use of Microsoft security libraries.

The Java edition requires installation of the FIPS-certified Bouncy Castle library regardless of the target operating system. This can be downloaded from Only the "Provider" library is needed. The jar file should then be installed in a JRE search path.

The following classes must be imported in the application in which the component will be used:

import; import org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.BouncyCastleFipsProvider;

The Bouncy Castle provider must be added as a valid provider and must also be configured to operate in FIPS mode:

System.setProperty("org.bouncycastle.fips.approved_only","true"); Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleFipsProvider());

When UseFIPSCompliantAPI is true, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)-enabled classes can optionally be configured to use the Transport Layer Security (TLS) Bouncy Castle library. When SSLProvider is set to sslpAutomatic (default) or sslpInternal, an internal TLS implementation is used, but all cryptographic operations are offloaded to the Bouncy Castle FIPS provider to achieve FIPS-compliant operation. If SSLProvider is set to sslpPlatform, the Bouncy Castle JSSE will be used in place of the internal TLS implementation.

To enable the use of the Bouncy Castle JSSE take the following steps in addition to the steps above. Both the Bouncy Castle FIPS provider and the Bouncy Castle JSSE must be configured to use the Bouncy Castle TLS library in FIPS mode. Obtain the Bouncy Castle TLS library from The jar file should then be installed in a JRE search path.

The following classes must be imported in the application in which the component will be used:

import; import org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.BouncyCastleFipsProvider; //required to use BCJSSE when SSLProvider is set to sslpPlatform import org.bouncycastle.jsse.provider.BouncyCastleJsseProvider;

The Bouncy Castle provider must be added as a valid provider and also must be configured to operate in FIPS mode:

System.setProperty("org.bouncycastle.fips.approved_only","true"); Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleFipsProvider()); //required to use BCJSSE when SSLProvider is set to sslpPlatform Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleJsseProvider("fips:BCFIPS")); //optional - configure logging level of BCJSSE Logger.getLogger("org.bouncycastle.jsse").setLevel(java.util.logging.Level.OFF); //configure the class to use BCJSSE component.setSSLProvider(1); //platform component.config("UseFIPSCompliantAPI=true"); Note: TLS 1.3 support requires the Bouncy Castle TLS library version 1.0.14 or later.

FIPS mode can be enabled by setting the UseFIPSCompliantAPI configuration setting to true. This is a static setting that applies to all instances of all classes of the toolkit within the process. It is recommended to enable or disable this setting once before the component has been used to establish a connection. Enabling FIPS while an instance of the component is active and connected may result in unexpected behavior.

For more details, please see the FIPS 140-2 Compliance article.

Note: Enabling FIPS compliance requires a special license; please contact for details.

UseInternalSecurityAPI:   Whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

When set to false, the class will use the system security libraries by default to perform cryptographic functions where applicable.

Setting this configuration setting to true tells the class to use the internal implementation instead of using the system security libraries.

This setting is set to false by default on all platforms.

Trappable Errors (Indexer Class)