PipeClient Component

Properties   Methods   Events   Config Settings   Errors  

The PipeClient component is a simple client for connecting and communicating over named pipes.




The PipeClient component is used to connect to an existing pipe server. After connecting the transfer of data is handled very similarly to socket communication.

To begin, first set PipeName to the name of the pipe to which the connection will be made. Call Connect or set Connected to True to establish the connection. The Connected event will fire when the connection is complete.

After connecting call Send or SendFile to send data. Incoming data is received through the DataIn event.

To disconnect call Disconnect or set Connected to False.

Synchronous and Asynchronous Operation

If the Timeout property is set to 0, the component will behave asynchronously and all operations return immediately, potentially failing with an error if they can't be completed immediately.

If Timeout is set to a positive value, the component will behave synchronously and wait for the operation to complete before returning control.

The component will use DoEvents to enter an efficient wait loop during any potential waiting period, making sure that all system events are processed immediately as they arrive. This ensures that the host application does not freeze and remains responsive.

If Timeout expires, and the operation is not yet complete, the component throws an exception.

Note: By default, all timeouts are inactivity timeouts, that is, the timeout period is extended by Timeout seconds when any amount of data is successfully sent or received.

The default value for the Timeout property is 60 seconds.

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AcceptDataThis property indicates whether data reception is currently enabled.
BytesSentThis property includes the number of bytes actually sent after a call to the SendBytes method.
ConnectedTriggers a connection or disconnection.
EOLThis property is used to break the incoming data stream into chunks separated by EOL .
PipeNameThe name of the pipe.
RecordLengthThe length of received data records.
SingleLineModeThis property includes a special mode for line-oriented protocols.
TimeoutThis property includes the timeout for the component.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ConfigSets or retrieves a configuration setting.
ConnectConnects to a named pipe.
DisconnectDisconnects from the named pipe.
DoEventsThis method processes events from the internal message queue.
GetLineThis method gets a line of text from the server.
InterruptThis method interrupts the current action.
ProcessDataThis method reenables data reception after a call to PauseData
SendSends data over the connected pipe.
SendBytesThis method sends binary data over the connected pipe.
SendFileSends the file over the connected pipe.
SendLineThis method sends a string followed by a newline.
SendTextThis method sends text over the connected pipe.
SetReceiveStreamThis method sets the stream to which received data will be written.
SetSendStreamThis method reads content from the stream and sends it to the server.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ConnectedFired immediately after a connection completes.
DataInThis event is fired when data (complete lines) come in.
DisconnectedFired when a connection is closed.
ErrorFired when information is available about errors during data delivery.
ReadyToSendFired when the component is ready to send data.

Config Settings

The following is a list of config settings for the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AbsoluteTimeoutDetermines whether timeouts are inactivity timeouts or absolute timeouts.
CloseStreamAfterTransferIf true, the component will close the upload or download stream after the transfer.
InBufferSizeThe size in bytes of the output buffer.
MaxLineLengthThe maximum amount of data to accumulate when no EOL is found.
OutBufferSizeThe size in bytes of the input buffer.
PipeDirectionDetermines the direction data flows.
BuildInfoInformation about the product's build.
GUIAvailableWhether or not a message loop is available for processing events.
LicenseInfoInformation about the current license.
MaskSensitiveDataWhether sensitive data is masked in log messages.
UseFIPSCompliantAPITells the component whether or not to use FIPS certified APIs.
UseInternalSecurityAPIWhether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

AcceptData Property (PipeClient Component)

This property indicates whether data reception is currently enabled.


public bool AcceptData { get; }
Public ReadOnly Property AcceptData As Boolean

Default Value



This property indicates whether data reception is currently enabled. When false, data reception is disabled and the DataIn event will not fire. Use the PauseData and ProcessData methods to pause and resume data reception.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

BytesSent Property (PipeClient Component)

This property includes the number of bytes actually sent after a call to the SendBytes method.


public int BytesSent { get; }
Public ReadOnly Property BytesSent As Integer

Default Value



This property indicates how many bytes were sent after the last call to SendBytes. Please check the SendBytes method for more information.

Note: that BytesSent will always return 0 when the component is operating in synchronous mode (i.e., the Timeout property is set to a positive value.)

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Connected Property (PipeClient Component)

Triggers a connection or disconnection.


public bool Connected { get; set; }
Public Property Connected As Boolean

Default Value



This property indicates whether the component is connected to the remote host. Use the Connect and Disconnect methods to manage the connection.

This property triggers a connection or disconnection. Setting this property to True makes the component attempt to connect to the pipe identified by the PipeName property. If successful, after the connection is achieved the value of the property changes to True and the Connected event is fired.

Setting this property to False closes the connection.

This property is not available at design time.

EOL Property (PipeClient Component)

This property is used to break the incoming data stream into chunks separated by EOL .


public string EOL { get; set; }
public byte[] EOLB { get; set; }
Public Property EOL As String
Public Property EOLB As Byte()

Default Value



This property is used to define boundaries in the input stream using the value of the property.

This property is especially useful with ASCII files. Setting it to CRLF ("\r\n") enables the incoming ASCII text stream to split into defined lines. In this case, one event is fired for each line received (as well as in packet boundaries). The CRLF ("\r\n") bytes are discarded.

This property is a binary string. Notably, this means that it can be more than one byte long, and it can contain NULL bytes.

PipeName Property (PipeClient Component)

The name of the pipe.


public string PipeName { get; set; }
Public Property PipeName As String

Default Value



This property specifies the name of the pipe.

This may be the name by itself, for instance "MyPipe", or in the format "\\.\pipe\MyPipe".

RecordLength Property (PipeClient Component)

The length of received data records.


public int RecordLength { get; set; }
Public Property RecordLength As Integer

Default Value



If set to a positive value, this property defines the length of data records to be received. The component will accumulate data until RecordLength is reached and only then fire the DataIn event with data of length RecordLength. This allows data to be received as records of known length. This value can be changed at any time, including within the DataIn event.

The default value is 0, meaning this property is not used.

This property is not available at design time.

SingleLineMode Property (PipeClient Component)

This property includes a special mode for line-oriented protocols.


public bool SingleLineMode { get; set; }
Public Property SingleLineMode As Boolean

Default Value



When this property is set to True, the component treats the incoming data stream as lines separated by carriage return line feed (CRLF), CR, or LF. The EOL property is ignored.

When this property is set to True, AcceptData automatically will be set to False. Please refer to the GetLine method for more information.

This property is not available at design time.

Timeout Property (PipeClient Component)

This property includes the timeout for the component.


public int Timeout { get; set; }
Public Property Timeout As Integer

Default Value



This property defines the timeout when sending data. When SSLEnabled is False a value of 0 means data will be sent asynchronously and a positive value means data is sent synchronously. When SSLEnabled is True all data is sent synchronously regardless of the Timeout value. Please see the notes below for details.


If the Timeout property is set to 0, all operations return immediately, potentially failing with a WOULDBLOCK error if data cannot be sent immediately.

If Timeout is set to a positive value, data is sent in a blocking manner and the component will wait for the operation to complete before returning control. The component will handle any potential WOULDBLOCK errors internally and automatically retry the operation for a maximum of Timeout seconds.


If the Timeout property is set to 0, all operations will run uninterrupted until successful completion or an error condition is encountered.

If Timeout is set to a positive value, the component will wait for the operation to complete before returning control.

Additional Notes

The component will use DoEvents to enter an efficient wait loop during any potential waiting period, making sure that all system events are processed immediately as they arrive. This ensures that the host application does not freeze and remains responsive.

If Timeout expires, and the operation is not yet complete, the component throws an exception.

Note: By default, all timeouts are inactivity timeouts, that is, the timeout period is extended by Timeout seconds when any amount of data is successfully sent or received.

The default value for the Timeout property is 60 seconds.

Config Method (PipeClient Component)

Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.


public string Config(string configurationString);

Async Version
public async Task<string> Config(string configurationString);
public async Task<string> Config(string configurationString, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
Public Function Config(ByVal ConfigurationString As String) As String

Async Version
Public Function Config(ByVal ConfigurationString As String) As Task(Of String)
Public Function Config(ByVal ConfigurationString As String, cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task(Of String)


Config is a generic method available in every component. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the component.

These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the component, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.

To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).

To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.

Connect Method (PipeClient Component)

Connects to a named pipe.


public void Connect();

Async Version
public async Task Connect();
public async Task Connect(CancellationToken cancellationToken);
Public Sub Connect()

Async Version
Public Sub Connect() As Task
Public Sub Connect(cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task


This method connects to a named pipe specified by PipeName. Calling this method is equivalent to setting the Connected property to True.

Example (Connecting)

PipeClient.PipeName = "MyPipe"; PipeClient.Connect();

Disconnect Method (PipeClient Component)

Disconnects from the named pipe.


public void Disconnect();

Async Version
public async Task Disconnect();
public async Task Disconnect(CancellationToken cancellationToken);
Public Sub Disconnect()

Async Version
Public Sub Disconnect() As Task
Public Sub Disconnect(cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task


This method disconnects from the pipe. Calling this method is equivalent to setting the Connected property to False.

DoEvents Method (PipeClient Component)

This method processes events from the internal message queue.


public void DoEvents();

Async Version
public async Task DoEvents();
public async Task DoEvents(CancellationToken cancellationToken);
Public Sub DoEvents()

Async Version
Public Sub DoEvents() As Task
Public Sub DoEvents(cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task


When DoEvents is called, the component processes any available events. If no events are available, it waits for a preset period of time, and then returns.

GetLine Method (PipeClient Component)

This method gets a line of text from the server.


public string GetLine();

Async Version
public async Task<string> GetLine();
public async Task<string> GetLine(CancellationToken cancellationToken);
Public Function GetLine() As String

Async Version
Public Function GetLine() As Task(Of String)
Public Function GetLine(cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task(Of String)


This method gets a line of text from the server. This method is an alternative method of receiving data for line-oriented protocols. The component will block if necessary and then will return the received line. AcceptData will be set automatically to True when the method is called, and then will be set to False after a line is received.

Please refer to the SingleLineMode property for more information.

Interrupt Method (PipeClient Component)

This method interrupts the current action.


public void Interrupt();

Async Version
public async Task Interrupt();
public async Task Interrupt(CancellationToken cancellationToken);
Public Sub Interrupt()

Async Version
Public Sub Interrupt() As Task
Public Sub Interrupt(cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task


This method interrupts the current action. If you use SendFile to upload a file, the component will run synchronously until the upload is completed. This method will allow you to stop the file from uploading without disconnecting from the host.

ProcessData Method (PipeClient Component)

This method reenables data reception after a call to PauseData


public void ProcessData();

Async Version
public async Task ProcessData();
public async Task ProcessData(CancellationToken cancellationToken);
Public Sub ProcessData()

Async Version
Public Sub ProcessData() As Task
Public Sub ProcessData(cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task


This method reenables data reception after a previous call to PauseData. When PauseData is called, the DataIn event will not fire. To reenable data reception and allow DataIn to fire, call this method.

Note: This method is used only after previously calling PauseData. It does not need to be called to process incoming data by default.

Send Method (PipeClient Component)

Sends data over the connected pipe.


public void Send(byte[] text);

Async Version
public async Task Send(byte[] text);
public async Task Send(byte[] text, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
Public Sub Send(ByVal Text As String)

Async Version
Public Sub Send(ByVal Text As String) As Task
Public Sub Send(ByVal Text As String, cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task


This method sends data to the server.

SendBytes Method (PipeClient Component)

This method sends binary data over the connected pipe.


public void SendBytes(byte[] data);

Async Version
public async Task SendBytes(byte[] data);
public async Task SendBytes(byte[] data, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
Public Sub SendBytes(ByVal Data As String)

Async Version
Public Sub SendBytes(ByVal Data As String) As Task
Public Sub SendBytes(ByVal Data As String, cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task


This method sends the specified binary data to the server. To send text, use the SendText method instead.

When Timeout is set to 0 the component will behave asynchronously. If you are sending data to the receiving process faster than it can process it, the outgoing queue might fill up. When this happens, the component fails with exception 10035: "[10035] Operation would block" (WSAEWOULDBLOCK). You can check this error, and then try to send the data again. The BytesSent property shows how many bytes were sent (if any). If 0 bytes were sent, then you can wait for the ReadyToSend event before attempting to send data again. (However, please note that ReadyToSend is not fired when part of the data is successfully sent).

SendFile Method (PipeClient Component)

Sends the file over the connected pipe.


public void SendFile(string fileName);

Async Version
public async Task SendFile(string fileName);
public async Task SendFile(string fileName, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
Public Sub SendFile(ByVal FileName As String)

Async Version
Public Sub SendFile(ByVal FileName As String) As Task
Public Sub SendFile(ByVal FileName As String, cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task


This method sends the specified file to the server/process over the connected pipe.

Timeout must be set to a positive value so that the component will operate synchronously.

SendLine Method (PipeClient Component)

This method sends a string followed by a newline.


public void SendLine(string text);

Async Version
public async Task SendLine(string text);
public async Task SendLine(string text, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
Public Sub SendLine(ByVal Text As String)

Async Version
Public Sub SendLine(ByVal Text As String) As Task
Public Sub SendLine(ByVal Text As String, cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task


This method sends a string followed by a newline. This method is used to send data with line-oriented protocols. The line is followed by CRLF ("\r\n") .

Please refer to the GetLine method and SingleLineMode property for more information.

SendText Method (PipeClient Component)

This method sends text over the connected pipe.


public void SendText(string text);

Async Version
public async Task SendText(string text);
public async Task SendText(string text, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
Public Sub SendText(ByVal Text As String)

Async Version
Public Sub SendText(ByVal Text As String) As Task
Public Sub SendText(ByVal Text As String, cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task


This method sends the specified text to the server. To send binary data, use the SendBytes method instead.

When Timeout is set to 0 the component will behave asynchronously. If you are sending data to the receiving process faster than it can process it, the outgoing queue might fill up. When this happens, the component fails with exception 10035: "[10035] Operation would block" (WSAEWOULDBLOCK). You can check this error, and then try to send the data again. The BytesSent property shows how many bytes were sent (if any). If 0 bytes were sent, then you can wait for the ReadyToSend event before attempting to send data again. (However, please note that ReadyToSend is not fired when part of the data is successfully sent).

SetReceiveStream Method (PipeClient Component)

This method sets the stream to which received data will be written.


public void SetReceiveStream(System.IO.Stream receiveStream);

Async Version
public async Task SetReceiveStream(System.IO.Stream receiveStream);
public async Task SetReceiveStream(System.IO.Stream receiveStream, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
Public Sub SetReceiveStream(ByVal ReceiveStream As System.IO.Stream)

Async Version
Public Sub SetReceiveStream(ByVal ReceiveStream As System.IO.Stream) As Task
Public Sub SetReceiveStream(ByVal ReceiveStream As System.IO.Stream, cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task


This method sets the stream to which received data will be written. The stream should be open and normally set to position 0. The component will write all incoming data to this stream. The downloaded content will be written starting at the current position in the stream.

SetSendStream Method (PipeClient Component)

This method reads content from the stream and sends it to the server.


public void SetSendStream(System.IO.Stream sendStream);

Async Version
public async Task SetSendStream(System.IO.Stream sendStream);
public async Task SetSendStream(System.IO.Stream sendStream, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
Public Sub SetSendStream(ByVal SendStream As System.IO.Stream)

Async Version
Public Sub SetSendStream(ByVal SendStream As System.IO.Stream) As Task
Public Sub SetSendStream(ByVal SendStream As System.IO.Stream, cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task


This method reads content from the stream and sends it to the server. The stream should be open and normally set to position 0. The call will return only after the end of stream has been reached. The component will automatically close this stream if CloseStreamAfterTransfer is set to True (default). The content will be read starting at the current position in the stream.

This method requires Timeout be set to a positive value. This allows the component to ensure that the data are transferred completely without a WOULDBLOCK error. See Timeout for details.

Connected Event (PipeClient Component)

Fired immediately after a connection completes.


public event OnConnectedHandler OnConnected;

public delegate void OnConnectedHandler(object sender, PipeClientConnectedEventArgs e);

public class PipeClientConnectedEventArgs : EventArgs {
Public Event OnConnected As OnConnectedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnConnectedHandler(sender As Object, e As PipeClientConnectedEventArgs)

Public Class PipeClientConnectedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
End Class


When the connection is successfully established this event will fire.

DataIn Event (PipeClient Component)

This event is fired when data (complete lines) come in.


public event OnDataInHandler OnDataIn;

public delegate void OnDataInHandler(object sender, PipeClientDataInEventArgs e);

public class PipeClientDataInEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public string Text { get; }
public byte[] TextB { get; } public bool EOL { get; } }
Public Event OnDataIn As OnDataInHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnDataInHandler(sender As Object, e As PipeClientDataInEventArgs)

Public Class PipeClientDataInEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property Text As String
Public ReadOnly Property TextB As Byte() Public ReadOnly Property EOL As Boolean End Class


Trapping the DataIn event is your only chance to get the data coming from the other end of the connection. The incoming data are provided through the Text parameter.

EOL indicates whether or not the EOL string was found at the end of Text. If the EOL string was found, then EOL is True.

If Text is part of a data portion of length larger than MaxLineLength with no EOL strings in it, then EOL is False. Note: This means that one or more DataIn events with EOL set to False can be received during a connection.

If the EOL property is "" (empty string), then EOL can be disregarded (it is always True).

Note: Events are not re-entrant. Performing time-consuming operations within this event will prevent it from firing again in a timely manner and may affect overall performance.

Disconnected Event (PipeClient Component)

Fired when a connection is closed.


public event OnDisconnectedHandler OnDisconnected;

public delegate void OnDisconnectedHandler(object sender, PipeClientDisconnectedEventArgs e);

public class PipeClientDisconnectedEventArgs : EventArgs {
Public Event OnDisconnected As OnDisconnectedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnDisconnectedHandler(sender As Object, e As PipeClientDisconnectedEventArgs)

Public Class PipeClientDisconnectedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
End Class


When the connection is closed this event will fire.

Error Event (PipeClient Component)

Fired when information is available about errors during data delivery.


public event OnErrorHandler OnError;

public delegate void OnErrorHandler(object sender, PipeClientErrorEventArgs e);

public class PipeClientErrorEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public int ErrorCode { get; }
  public string Description { get; }
Public Event OnError As OnErrorHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnErrorHandler(sender As Object, e As PipeClientErrorEventArgs)

Public Class PipeClientErrorEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ErrorCode As Integer
  Public ReadOnly Property Description As String
End Class


The Error event is fired in case of exceptional conditions during message processing. Normally the component throws an exception.

The ErrorCode parameter contains an error code, and the Description parameter contains a textual description of the error. For a list of valid error codes and their descriptions, please refer to the Error Codes section.

ReadyToSend Event (PipeClient Component)

Fired when the component is ready to send data.


public event OnReadyToSendHandler OnReadyToSend;

public delegate void OnReadyToSendHandler(object sender, PipeClientReadyToSendEventArgs e);

public class PipeClientReadyToSendEventArgs : EventArgs {
Public Event OnReadyToSend As OnReadyToSendHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnReadyToSendHandler(sender As Object, e As PipeClientReadyToSendEventArgs)

Public Class PipeClientReadyToSendEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
End Class


The ReadyToSend event indicates that the underlying pipe is ready to accept data again after a failed send. The event is also fired immediately after a connection to the remote host is established.

Config Settings (PipeClient Component)

The component accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the component, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.

PipeClient Config Settings

AbsoluteTimeout:   Determines whether timeouts are inactivity timeouts or absolute timeouts.

If AbsoluteTimeout is set to true, any method which does not complete within Timeout seconds will be aborted. By default, AbsoluteTimeout is false, and the timeout is an inactivity timeout.

CloseStreamAfterTransfer:   If true, the component will close the upload or download stream after the transfer.

This configuration setting determines whether the input or output stream is closed after the transfer completes. When set to True (default), all streams will be closed after a transfer is completed. To keep streams open after the transfer of data, set this to False. The default value is True.

InBufferSize:   The size in bytes of the output buffer.

This setting specifies the size in bytes of the output buffer. Small buffer sizes may reduce overall performance. The default value is "65536".

MaxLineLength:   The maximum amount of data to accumulate when no EOL is found.

MaxLineLength is the size of an internal buffer, which holds received data while waiting for an EOL string.

If an EOL string is found in the input stream before MaxLineLength bytes are received, the DataIn event is fired with the EOL parameter set to true, and the buffer is reset.

If no EOL is found, and MaxLineLength bytes are accumulated in the buffer, the DataIn event is fired with the EOL parameter set to false, and the buffer is reset.

The default value is 2048 bytes. The maximum value is 65536 bytes.

OutBufferSize:   The size in bytes of the input buffer.

This setting specifies the size in bytes of the input buffer. Small buffer sizes may reduce overall performance. The default value is "65536".

PipeDirection:   Determines the direction data flows.

Pipe servers are sometimes configured to only send or only receive data (a direction), which can cause Connect to fail if PipeDirection is not set accordingly. Set this to match the direction of the pipe server. Valid values are:

1In. The server can only receive data.
2Out. The server can only send data.
3In/Out (default). The server can both receive and send data.

Base Config Settings

BuildInfo:   Information about the product's build.

When queried, this setting will return a string containing information about the product's build.

GUIAvailable:   Whether or not a message loop is available for processing events.

In a GUI-based application, long-running blocking operations may cause the application to stop responding to input until the operation returns. The component will attempt to discover whether or not the application has a message loop and, if one is discovered, it will process events in that message loop during any such blocking operation.

In some non-GUI applications, an invalid message loop may be discovered that will result in errant behavior. In these cases, setting GUIAvailable to false will ensure that the component does not attempt to process external events.

LicenseInfo:   Information about the current license.

When queried, this setting will return a string containing information about the license this instance of a component is using. It will return the following information:

  • Product: The product the license is for.
  • Product Key: The key the license was generated from.
  • License Source: Where the license was found (e.g., RuntimeLicense, License File).
  • License Type: The type of license installed (e.g., Royalty Free, Single Server).
  • Last Valid Build: The last valid build number for which the license will work.
MaskSensitiveData:   Whether sensitive data is masked in log messages.

In certain circumstances it may be beneficial to mask sensitive data, like passwords, in log messages. Set this to true to mask sensitive data. The default is true.

This setting only works on these components: AS3Receiver, AS3Sender, Atom, Client(3DS), FTP, FTPServer, IMAP, OFTPClient, SSHClient, SCP, Server(3DS), Sexec, SFTP, SFTPServer, SSHServer, TCPClient, TCPServer.

UseFIPSCompliantAPI:   Tells the component whether or not to use FIPS certified APIs.

When set to true, the component will utilize the underlying operating system's certified APIs. Java editions, regardless of OS, utilize Bouncy Castle Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), while all other Windows editions make use of Microsoft security libraries.

FIPS mode can be enabled by setting the UseFIPSCompliantAPI configuration setting to true. This is a static setting that applies to all instances of all components of the toolkit within the process. It is recommended to enable or disable this setting once before the component has been used to establish a connection. Enabling FIPS while an instance of the component is active and connected may result in unexpected behavior.

For more details, please see the FIPS 140-2 Compliance article.

Note: This setting is applicable only on Windows.

Note: Enabling FIPS compliance requires a special license; please contact sales@nsoftware.com for details.

UseInternalSecurityAPI:   Whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

When set to false, the component will use the system security libraries by default to perform cryptographic functions where applicable. In this case, calls to unmanaged code will be made. In certain environments, this is not desirable. To use a completely managed security implementation, set this setting to true.

Setting this configuration setting to true tells the component to use the internal implementation instead of using the system security libraries.

On Windows, this setting is set to false by default. On Linux/macOS, this setting is set to true by default.

If using the .NET Standard Library, this setting will be true on all platforms. The .NET Standard library does not support using the system security libraries.

Note: This setting is static. The value set is applicable to all components used in the application.

When this value is set, the product's system dynamic link library (DLL) is no longer required as a reference, as all unmanaged code is stored in that file.

Trappable Errors (PipeClient Component)

PipeClient Errors

401   Failed to create event.
402   Failed to create security descriptor.
403   Error creating named pipe.
404   Error connecting to named pipe.
405   Error disconnecting named pipe.
408   Error sending data.
410   Invalid MaxLineLength value.
411   Error reading data.
412   Error invoking RegisterWaitForSingleObject.
413   Operation would block.
414   Named pipe does not exist.
415   Named pipe is already connected.
416   Error connecting to named pipe.
417   Named pipe not connected.
419   Unsupported operation, see error message for details.