KeyPassphrase Event
Fired if the passphrase of current key is incorrect or empty.
typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TipgPFileMailerKeyPassphraseEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TipgPFileMailerKeyPassphraseEventParams *e);__property TipgPFileMailerKeyPassphraseEvent OnKeyPassphrase = {read=FOnKeyPassphrase, write=FOnKeyPassphrase};
typedef struct {
String UserId;
String KeyId;
String Passphrase;
} TipgPFileMailerKeyPassphraseEventParams;
This event fires when the passphrase for the key is required. The passphrase must be specified before operations requiring the secret key are attempted. The passphrase may be supplied by setting the Passphrase parameter in this event, or by specifying the KeyPassphrase property before attempting the operation.
The passphrase is required when using the following methods in KeyMgr:
- AddUserId
- SignUserId
- ChangeExpirationDate
- ChangePassphrase
When using the OpenPGP component, or an email-based component, the following methods require a passphrase for the key:
- Decrypt
- Sign
- SignAndEncrypt