PartDecodedFile Property
The filename with the decoded data.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getPartDecodedFile($partidx); public function setPartDecodedFile($partidx, $value);
Procedural Interface
ipworksopenpgp_mime_get($res, 15 , $partidx); ipworksopenpgp_mime_set($res, 15, $value , $partidx);
Default Value
The filename with the decoded data. Accessing this property for the first time after calling the DecodeFromString or DecodeFromFile method, directs the class to actually decode the part and save the data in a temporary file. The user is responsible for deleting the temporary file.
Setting a value to PartDecodedFile directs the component to calculate the file size and fill out the respective PartSize.
The size of the array is controlled by the PartCount property.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type