IP*Works! SSH V9 - Online Help
IP*Works! SSH V9
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CertMgr Errors

CertMgr Errors

20144    Busy executing current method.
20145    No certificate selected.
20222    Cannot acquire CSP.
20223    Cannot generate key.
20271    Cannot load specified security library.
20272    Cannot open certificate store.
20273    Cannot find specified certificate.
20275    Cannot get certificate chain.
20276    Cannot verify certificate chain.
20280    Error enumerating certificate stores.
20281    The certificate could not be decoded.
20282    Cannot find security provider.
20283    Cannot add certificate to store.
20284    The certificate could not be encoded.
20286    Cannot create certificate signing request.
20287    Cannot acquire Issuer private key.
20288    Cannot delete certificate.
20289    Cannot export certificate.

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Build 9.0.6240.0