Disconnected Event
Fired when a connection is closed.
typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TipwIPDaemonDisconnectedEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TipwIPDaemonDisconnectedEventParams *e);__property TipwIPDaemonDisconnectedEvent OnDisconnected = {read=FOnDisconnected, write=FOnDisconnected};
typedef struct {
int ConnectionId;
int StatusCode;
String Description;
} TipwIPDaemonDisconnectedEventParams;
If the connection is broken normally, StatusCode is 0, and Description is "OK".
If the connection is broken for any other reason, StatusCode has the error code returned by the system. Description contains a description of this code. The value of StatusCode is equal to the value of the system error.
Please refer to the Error Messages section for more information.