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PostData Property

The data to post with the URL if the POST method is used.


__property String PostData = {read=FPostData, write=FSetPostData};

__property RawByteString PostDataB = {read=FPostDataB, write=FSetPostDataB};

Default Value



This property contains the data to post with the URL if the POST method is used. If this property contains a non-empty string, then if the HTTP 'POST' method is used (Post method), the contents of this property are appended to the HTTP request after the HTTP headers.

An HTTP 'Content-Length' header is also added to the request. Its value is the length of the string in PostData.

The most common example is posting of HTML form input data. In that case, the ContentType property must be set to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".

Example (Performing a Post)

HTTPControl.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
HTTPControl.PostData = "firstname=Tom&lastname=Thompson&country=US"

This property is not available at design time.

Data Type

Binary String

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