NetDial Class
Properties Methods Events Configuration Settings Errors
The NetDial component can be used to call the Remote Access System (RAS) to initiate or break connections to remote hosts, list connections, and phonebook entries.
The user can either directly provide a PhoneNumber, User, Password, and optionally a Domain and CallbackNumber, or get those entries from PhonebookEntry of Phonebook. The calls are blocking but progress information is given through the Status event and Windows messages will come during connect or disconnect methods.
The user can get information on the phonebook entries and connections by calling the respective methods of the class. ConnectedEntry and PhonebookEntry events will fire with the required information.
Support is also provided for creating and/or deleting phonebook entries, as well as listing the various RAS devices supported by the system.
Property List
The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
CallbackNumber | The callback number to give when directly dialing the remote machine. |
Domain | The name of the domain to join when dialing the RAS connection. |
EntryDeviceName | The device of the phonebook entry pointed to by PhonebookEntry . |
EntryDeviceType | The device type of the phonebook entry pointed to by PhonebookEntry . |
EntryDNSServer | The DNS server of the phonebook entry pointed to by PhonebookEntry . |
EntryIPAddress | The IP address of the phonebook entry pointed to by PhonebookEntry . |
EntryPhoneNumber | The phone number for the phonebook entry pointed to by PhonebookEntry . |
EntryWINSServer | The WINS server of the phonebook entry pointed to by PhonebookEntry . |
Handle | The handle of the connection. 0 if invalid or not connected. |
Idle | The current status of the component. |
Password | The password to use when direct dialing the remote machine. |
Phonebook | This property reads the PhonebookEntry when dialing the remote machine. |
PhonebookEntry | The name of PhonebookEntry to use when dialing the remote machine. |
PhoneNumber | The number to dial when directly dialing the remote machine without the help of a PhonebookEntry . |
RASAvailable | When true, Remote Access System (RAS) is available on the system. |
Timeout | A timeout for the component. |
User | The name of the login user when directly dialing the remote machine. |
Method List
The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Config | Sets or retrieves a configuration setting . |
Connect | Attempts to dial the PhonebookEntry from Phonebook . |
CreateEntry | Creates a PhonebookEntry . |
DeleteEntry | Deletes a PhonebookEntry . |
Disconnect | Disconnects the last successfully made connection. |
DoEvents | Processes events from the internal message queue. |
Interrupt | Interrupt the current method. |
ListConnections | Lists all current connections. |
ListDevices | Lists all dial devices. |
ListPhonebook | Lists all entries in Phonebook . |
ShowDialDialog | Shows the standard RAS dialog for dialing the PhonebookEntry from Phonebook . |
Event List
The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
ConnectedEntry | Fired for every connected device when the ListConnections method is called. |
Device | Fired for every dial device when the ListDevices method is called. |
Error | Information about errors during data delivery. |
PhonebookEntry | Fired for every Phonebook entry when the ListPhonebook method is called. |
Status | Fired during connection or disconnection attempts. |
Configuration Settings
The following is a list of configuration settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
IgnoreModemSpeaker | Whether the component will ignore the default modem speaker settings. |
IgnoreSoftwareCompression | Whether the component will ignore the default software compression settings. |
OverrideEntrySetting | Whether or not to use the component settings when dialing a phone book entry. |
PausedStates | Whether the component will accept paused states. |
PauseOnScript | Tells the component to display a logon terminal. |
SetModemSpeaker | Whether the component will use the modem speaker. |
SetSoftwareCompression | Whether the component will use software compression. |
UseCustomScripting | Tells the component to use custom script DLLs. |
UsePrefixSuffix | Whether or not to use the dialing prefix and suffix in the phone book. |
UseRemoteDefaultGateway | Whether or not the entry should use the default gateway on the remote network. |
VPNType | Sets the VPN Type when creating entries with NetDial. |
CodePage | The system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations. |