IP*Works! V9 - Online Help
IP*Works! V9
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EntryPropertiesName Property

The Name of the OData entry element.


char* GetEntryPropertiesName(int iEntryPropertiesIndex);

int SetEntryPropertiesName(int iEntryPropertiesIndex, char* lpszEntryPropertiesName);

Default Value



The Name of the OData entry element.

Note: For properties derived from a complex type, the name of the property and it's sub-property will be separated by '/'. For example, let's say you have a property called "MailingAddress" that is derived from a complex type called "Address". The "Address" complex type contains a property called "City". This particular property will be returned as "MailingAddress/City".

Setting this property to empty string prior to calling UpdateEntry will result in the item not being sent in the update request. Thus removing it from the OData entry.

The size of the array is controlled by the EntryPropertiesCount property.

This property is not available at design time.

Data Type


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