AtomChannel Type
The information about an Atom Feed as received from the server.
When an Atom feed is parsed by the component, each item is parsed into an AtomEntry type and other information about the feed is presented as AtomChannel.
AuthorEmail String |
This field contains the email address of the author. |
AuthorName String |
This field contains the name of the author. |
AuthorUri String |
This field contains the URI of the author. |
CategoryLabel String |
This field contains a textual description of the label for the category. |
CategoryScheme String |
This field identifies a categorization scheme. |
CategoryTerm String |
This field contains the category to which the entry or feed belongs. |
ContributorEmail String |
This field contains the email address of the contributor. |
ContributorName String |
This field contains the name of the contributor. |
ContributorUri String |
This field contains the URI of the contributor. |
Generator String |
This field identifies the generator of the feed. |
Icon String |
This field contains a reference to the image that represents this feed. |
Id String |
The Id conveys a permanent, universally unique identifier for an entry or feed. This contains an IRI as defined by RFC3987. |
LinkHref String |
This field contains the location of the link. |
LinkHrefLang String |
This field contains the language of the content at the link. |
LinkLength String |
This field contains the length (in bytes) of the content at the link. |
LinkRel String |
This field indicates the relation of the linked content to the feed. The following relations are defined by RFC 4287.
LinkTitle String |
This field contains the title of the link. |
LinkType String |
This field contains the MIME type of the content at the link. |
Logo String |
This field contains logo for an image that represents the feed. |
Rights String |
This field contains information about the rights of the given feed. |
RightsTextType int |
Text type of the rights of the feed. Atom textual content can either be html, xhtml or text. |
Subtitle String |
This contains a short description of the Atom Feed. |
SubtitleTextType int |
This field contains the text type of the sub-title of the feed. Atom textual content can either be html, xhtml or text. |
Title String |
This field contains the title of the current Atom Feed. Typically the title of the channel is similar to that of the web page where the Atom content is hosted. |
TitleTextType int |
This field contains the text type of the title of the feed. Atom textual content can either be html, xhtml or text. |
Updated String |
This field contains the date and time that the feed was updated. |
public AtomChannel();