HTTP Class
Properties Methods Events Configuration Settings Errors
The HTTP Component can be used to retrieve documents from the World Wide Web.
Class Name
Procedural Interface
ipworks_http_open(); ipworks_http_close($res); ipworks_http_register_callback($res, $id, $function); ipworks_http_get_last_error($res); ipworks_http_get_last_error_code($res); ipworks_http_set($res, $id, $index, $value); ipworks_http_get($res, $id, $index); ipworks_http_do_addcookie($res, $cookiename, $cookievalue); ipworks_http_do_config($res, $configurationstring); ipworks_http_do_delete($res, $url); ipworks_http_do_doevents($res); ipworks_http_do_get($res, $url); ipworks_http_do_head($res, $url); ipworks_http_do_interrupt($res); ipworks_http_do_post($res, $url); ipworks_http_do_put($res, $url); ipworks_http_do_resetheaders($res);
The HTTP Class implements a standard HTTP client through a simple plug-and-play interface as defined in RFCs 1945 and 2616 .
The class contains a number of properties that map directly to HTTP request headers. Files are received through events: Transfer for contents, and Header for HTTP headers. The StartTransfer and EndTransfer events are fired at the beginning and end of transmission.
To receive a document call the Get method with the URL parameter. Data can be POST-ed to the HTTP server by assigning it to the PostData property and then calling the Post method.
The PUT method is also supported. You should specify the User and Password properties or alternatively the Authorization and call the Put method with the specified URL. The AttachedFile will be sent to the server.
The HTTP Class supports the HTTP Basic authentication scheme through the User and Password properties. Other authentication schemes can be implemented by using the AuthScheme property.
Property List
The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Accept | A list of acceptable MIME types for the request. |
AllowHTTPCompression | Enables HTTP compression for receiving data. |
AttachedFile | A file to append to PostData if the POST or PUT methods are used. |
Authorization | The Authorization string to be sent to the server. |
AuthScheme | The authentication scheme to use when server authorization is required. |
Connected | Shows whether the component is connected. |
ContentType | Content type for posts and puts. |
CookieCount | The number of records in the Cookie arrays. |
CookieDomain | The domain of a received cookie. |
CookieExpiration | This property contains an expiration time for the cookie (if provided by the server). |
CookieName | The name of the cookie. |
CookiePath | This property contains a path name to limit the cookie to (if provided by the server). |
CookieSecure | This property contains the security flag of the received cookie. |
CookieValue | This property contains the value of the cookie. |
FirewallAutoDetect | This property tells the component whether or not to automatically detect and use firewall system settings, if available. |
FirewallType | This property determines the type of firewall to connect through. |
FirewallHost | This property contains the name or IP address of firewall (optional). |
FirewallPassword | This property contains a password if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall. |
FirewallPort | This property contains the TCP port for the firewall Host . |
FirewallUser | This property contains a user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall. |
FollowRedirects | Determines what happens when the server issues a redirect. |
From | The email address of the HTTP agent (optional). |
HTTPMethod | The HTTP method used for the request. |
Idle | The current status of the component. |
IfModifiedSince | A date determining the maximum age of the desired document. |
LocalFile | The path to a local file for downloading. If the file exists, it is overwritten. |
LocalHost | The name of the local host or user-assigned IP interface through which connections are initiated or accepted. |
OtherHeaders | Other headers as determined by the user (optional). |
ParsedHeaderCount | The number of records in the ParsedHeader arrays. |
ParsedHeaderField | This property contains the name of the HTTP header (same case as it is delivered). |
ParsedHeaderValue | This property contains the header contents. |
Password | A password if authentication is to be used. |
PostData | The data to post with the URL if the POST method is used. |
Pragma | A browser/server specific header line (optional). |
ProxyAuthScheme | This property is used to tell the component which type of authorization to perform when connecting to the proxy. |
ProxyAutoDetect | This property tells the component whether or not to automatically detect and use proxy system settings, if available. |
ProxyPassword | This property contains a password if authentication is to be used for the proxy. |
ProxyPort | This property contains the TCP port for the proxy Server (default 80). |
ProxyServer | If a proxy Server is given, then the HTTP request is sent to the proxy instead of the server otherwise specified. |
ProxyUser | This property contains a user name, if authentication is to be used for the proxy. |
Range | The byte-range to be sent to the server. |
Referer | Referer URL/document (optional). |
StatusLine | The first line of the last server response. |
Timeout | A timeout for the component. |
TransferredData | The contents of the last response from the server. |
TransferredDataLimit | The maximum of data to be transferred. |
TransferredHeaders | The full set of headers as received from the server. |
URL | The URL to fetch. |
URLPath | The path for the URL. |
URLPort | The port for the URL. |
URLScheme | The scheme for the URL. |
URLServer | The server for the URL. |
User | A user name if authentication is to be used. |
Method List
The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
AddCookie | Adds a cookie and the corresponding value to the outgoing request headers. |
Config | Sets or retrieves a configuration setting . |
Delete | Deletes an object on the server. |
DoEvents | Processes events from the internal message queue. |
Get | Fetch the document using the HTTP GET method. |
Head | Fetches the document headers using the HTTP HEAD method. |
Interrupt | Interrupt the current method. |
Post | Posts data to the HTTP server using the HTTP POST method. |
Put | Sends data to the HTTP server using the HTTP PUT method. |
ResetHeaders | Resets all HTTP Headers, Cookies, LocalFile , and AttachedFile . |
Event List
The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Connected | Fired immediately after a connection completes (or fails). |
ConnectionStatus | Fired to indicate changes in connection state. |
Disconnected | Fired when a connection is closed. |
EndTransfer | Fired when a document finishes transferring. |
Error | Information about errors during data delivery. |
Header | Fired every time a header line comes in. |
Redirect | Fired when a redirection is received from the server. |
SetCookie | Fired for every cookie set by the server. |
StartTransfer | Fired when a document starts transferring (after the headers). |
Status | Fired when the HTTP status line is received from the server. |
Transfer | Fired while a document transfers (delivers document). |
Configuration Settings
The following is a list of configuration settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
AcceptEncoding | Used to tell the server which types of content encodings the client supports. |
AllowHTTPCompression | This property enables HTTP compression for receiving data. |
AllowIdenticalRedirectURL | Allow redirects to the same URL. |
Append | Whether to append data to LocalFile. |
Authorization | The Authorization string to be sent to the server. |
BytesTransferred | Contains the number of bytes transferred in the response data. |
EncodeURL | If set to true the URL will be encoded by the component. |
FollowRedirects | Determines what happens when the server issues a redirect. |
GetOn302Redirect | If set to true the component will perform a GET on the new location. |
HTTPVersion | The version of HTTP used by the component. |
IfModifiedSince | A date determining the maximum age of the desired document. |
KeepAlive | Determines whether the HTTP connection is closed after completion of the request. |
MaxRedirectAttempts | Limits the number of redirects that are followed in a request. |
OtherHeaders | Other headers as determined by the user (optional). |
ProxyAuthorization | The authorization string to be sent to the proxy server. |
ProxyAuthScheme | The authorization scheme to be used for the proxy. |
ProxyPassword | A password if authentication is to be used for the proxy. |
ProxyPort | Port for the proxy server (default 80). |
ProxyServer | Name or IP address of a proxy server (optional). |
ProxyUser | A user name if authentication is to be used for the proxy. |
TransferredDataLimit | The maximum number of incoming bytes to be stored by the component. |
TransferredHeaders | The full set of headers as received from the server. |
UseChunkedEncoding | Enables or Disables HTTP chunked encoding for transfers. |
ChunkSize | Specifies the chunk size in bytes when using chunked encoding. |
UserAgent | Information about the user agent (browser). |
KerberosSPN | The Service Principal Name for the Kerberos Domain Controller. |
ConnectionTimeout | Sets a separate timeout value for establishing a connection. |
FirewallAutoDetect | Tells the component whether or not to automatically detect and use firewall system settings, if available. |
FirewallHost | Name or IP address of firewall (optional). |
FirewallPassword | Password to be used if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall. |
FirewallPort | The TCP port for the FirewallHost;. |
FirewallType | Determines the type of firewall to connect through. |
FirewallUser | A user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall. |
KeepAliveTime | The inactivity time in milliseconds before a TCP keep-alive packet is sent. |
KeepAliveInterval | The retry interval, in milliseconds, to be used when a TCP keep-alive packet is sent and no response is received. |
Linger | When set to True, connections are terminated gracefully. |
LingerTime | Time in seconds to have the connection linger. |
LocalHost | The name of the local host through which connections are initiated or accepted. |
LocalPort | The TCP port in the local host where the component binds. |
MaxLineLength | The maximum amount of data to accumulate when no EOL is found. |
MaxTransferRate | The transfer rate limit in bytes per second. |
RecordLength | The length of received data records. |
TCPKeepAlive | Determines whether or not the keep alive socket option is enabled. |
UseIPv6 | Whether to use IPv6. |
TcpNoDelay | Whether or not to delay when sending packets. |
AbsoluteTimeout | Determines whether timeouts are inactivity timeouts or absolute timeouts. |
FirewallData | Used to send extra data to the firewall. |
InBufferSize | The size in bytes of the incoming queue of the socket. |
OutBufferSize | The size in bytes of the outgoing queue of the socket. |
CodePage | The system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations. |