IP*Works! V9 - Online Help
IP*Works! V9
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AddItem Method

Inserts a new item into the beginning of an RSS feed.

Object Oriented Interface

public function doAddItem($title, $description, $link);

Procedural Interface

ipworks_rss_do_additem($res, $title, $description, $link);


This method assumes that the items are new and more important than existing items and thus adds the item to the beginning of the current item list. This method requires the three standard fields Title, Description, and Link to be specified.

Example (Add a New Item)

RSSControl.AddItem("New Item Title", "Item Description", "http://www.itemsource.com")
Example (Add a New Item using the Item Arrays)
RSSControl.ItemCount = 1
RSSControl.ItemTitle(0) = "New Item Title"
RSSControl.ItemDescription(0) = "Item Description"
RSSControl.ItemLink(0) = "http://www.itemsource.com"

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